Chapter Twenty-Seven

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{ A/N – Wow it took me ages to get into this chapter, I procrastinated writing it for over a month and as a result I'm not too proud of how it turned out. This also hasn't been edited because I don't have enough time. Buuuut nevertheless, hope you enjoy it and please vote n comment. }

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The engine purred softly as Callum eased the Land Rover along the deserted freeway. Mountains rose from the horizon like a blossoming flower, growing taller as we crept closer towards them. They were silhouetted against the dusk that was beginning to fall upon the sky; gold dust swimming amongst the clouds as the sinking sun set the sky on fire.

We'd intended to leave earlier in the day, but both of us had got tangled in yard chores that delayed our journey to the nearest hill range where I intended to do some conditioning with Brenna.

"I could really do with a coffee right now," Callum said through a yawn.

"Mm, yeah," I agreed. "A nice warm mocha."

"No way. A salted caramel latte."

"Ew," I wrinkled my nose. "Pumpkin spice lattes beat salted caramel ones any day."

"Uh-uh. Don't be such a typical white girl. Cinnamon dolce lattes are superior. Always."

"You're wrong. Nothing beats a good ol' hot chocolate."

Callum shot me an approving smile, eyes sparkling with amusement and adoration. "I couldn't agree more."

"Can we stop off at Starbucks on the way back?"

He nodded enthusiastically, laughing at our light-hearted banter and thirst for caffeinated beverages.

Moments later, he pulled the car through the gates of a park that covered hundreds of hectares of rolling green hills and forestry. It was close to one of North Carolina's mountain ranges, the undulating hills and elevated terrain here reached out over the horizon.

Brenna was improving with every journey in the trailer; as I led her down the ramp she extended her toned neck to sniff the air inquisitively, her muscles relaxed after an unproblematic journey. It helped that she'd had Harry to keep her company, the old and gentle soul providing her with comfort to overcome her reservations about the trailer.

We tacked the horses up and mounted swiftly, trotting them around in large circles for a while on the flattest ground we could find to warm them up. Harry was his usual enthusiastic, charming self whilst still behaving like a gentleman, whilst I struggled to contain Brenna in the open space that stretched out before us daringly.

"Awh," I cooed, nodding at Callum trotting Harry around. "My two favourite men."

"I'm kind of insulted that I'm on the same ranking as a horse."

"You should be honoured. Harry's way out of my league."

"Well, he is a gentleman of the highest calibre," Callum stroked the gelding's neck before leaning forwards to his ears. "Don't even think about trying to steal her from me though mate."

Harry nickered in response, as if acknowledging Callum's words and we both erupted with laughter. The sound of it ricocheted through the evening, bouncing off the hills and melting into the sunset.

For the first fifteen minutes, I rode Brenna up and down a steep, short hill in walk to condition her hindquarters and muscles that she wouldn't utilise often. At first, she tried to break into a jog to avoid straining her muscles but I held her back – she disliked this but did not object to the extra pressure on her mouth.

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