Chapter Forty-One

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{ A/N - Wasn't entirely sure how the Awards Ceremony worked so I kinda improvised loool. Please vote, comment and enjoy. }


We'd secured a third place position, but with two riders still left to jump, anything could happen. The sport of eventing was renowned for being unpredictable; even the most experienced riders are prone to making mistakes, and one minor slip up is all it takes to cost you the competition. That meant that I still stood a chance of beating Annabel; I'd done all I could, but if she had a few poles down it could push her down the rankings. As I rode back into the wings where my team was waiting for me, I couldn't help the embers of hope that were beginning to ignite in my stomach.

Avery was squealing excitedly, Callum was cheering and Holly was standing with a silent smile on her face. I launched myself out of the saddle to fall into the arms of my teammates and friends, laughter bubbling from my lips.

"We did it!" I beamed.

"I can't believe this!" Avery shrieked, bouncing about on the spot like an excitable puppy. "I'm beyond proud."

Callum clasped my face with both his hands, eyes glimmering with adoration as he admired me for a second before pulling me towards him and placing a lingering kiss on my lips that only heightened the elation flooding through my veins. "I knew my two queens could do it."

"That wasn't the prettiest round," Holly said, directing the conversation back to evaluating the equestrian performance in her usual pragmatic style. "She got tense at points and she was obviously weary. But there were some moments on that course when she jumped beautifully. And you rode brilliantly, Madison. You listened to her and supported her through her rougher moments, so were able to stay in control. I'm very proud of you."

I flung my arms around Holly, and she stood stiffly for a moment before returning the gesture awkwardly. Hugs, or any sign of affection in general, weren't really her thing. "Thanks, Holly."

"There's still a chance your placing could improve, though," she said as I pulled away. "I'm sure you're aware. The rider above you, Laura Beauchene, is less than four penalty points below you. That's just one pole in hand. If she doesn't go clear, you could take her position in second. And the same goes for Annabel, who's still in first."

An icy silence fell between the four of us at the mention of Annabel's name, all of us daring to hope but scared to place so much faith in the failure of others.

"I can't watch," Avery announced after a moment. She took the reins from me, running a hand down Brenna's sweaty, quivering neck. "I'm going to cool Brenna off."

Callum slipped his hand in mine, and guided the way through the crowds of grooms and owners and riders in the wings until we found a good view of the arena. Laura Beauchene, a pretty blonde French rider who was only a few years older than me, was cantering around the arena on her elegant grey mare, Belle Fleur II. My breath caught in my throat and my heart froze in my chest as they cantered through the start flags. I clenched Callum's hand so tightly that my knuckles were tinted white. The grey Warmblood was obviously weary and lacking impulsion, and Laura had to kick hard on the approach to the first fence. But it wasn't enough. Belle Fleur II barely lifted her hooves off the ground, demolishing the fence as poles tumbled from their cups.

A strange sensation erupted in the pit of my stomach; it was twisted that another's bad luck was my good fortune. But now, I was resting in second position, a result beyond anything I'd ever dared dream of. And, even better, only one pole rested between Annabel and I.

Laura Beauchene and Belle Fleur II ended up having three fences down, and the look of disappointment on her face was so devastating that my euphoria dampened for a minute and I felt sorry for her. I could only imagine how disappointing it would be to have a second position at such a prestigious event stolen from you at the last moment due to a few small mistakes. But that was the cruel world of eventing, and I was certain that this talented partnership would be back soon and snatching championship titles. Laura patted her mare's dappled neck as they trotted out of the arena, and  as soon as Laura exited the stadium, Annabel entered.

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