Chapter Seventeen

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{ A/N - Um, Callum?? What made u change your tuuuuune?? Idk if I like this chapter tbh. Better things to come. But, still, hope y'all will vote, comment and enjoy. }

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My gaze never strayed from the horizon as we powered down the centre line. The mare sprung forward, light on the forehand, as I straightened her towards the jump. Her ears flickered towards the fence and I collected her neatly. On the last two strides, I slipped the reins slightly and Brenna propelled forward, launching into the air with a wave of sheer power and scope. She tucked her legs over the jump, her every movement beaming with excitement. Brenna loved to jump.

We landed safely on the other side, the poles untouched. I gathered my reins and used my seat aids to slow the mare to a trot, posting in the saddle. I trotted her round the outside of the arena as Brenna held herself in a nice outline, working from behind. I leaned forward and ran a hand through her silky mane, stealing a glance at Avery.

My best friend had one hand looped through the reins, the other rubbing the golden neck of her palomino mare affectionately. She couldn't disguise the awed expression on her face as I pulled the mare up beside the elegant warmblood Avery was mounted upon.

"Her movement is absolutely breath-taking. That's not to mention her jumping form," she gushed, shortening her reins. Lotus awoke from her lethargic daze, her head snapping up as she sprung forward into a nice trot at her rider's gentle demand.

"She's coming on nicely, huh? She thrives on a regular routine," I informed her, running a hand down Brenna's sleek auburn neck.

I found it hard to believe that over three months had passed since I had first been introduced to the ill-natured mare cowering in the depths of her stall. Already she had blossomed into a capable horse with an excellent work ethic and endless talent, despite the attitude that still accompanied. With each passing day she installed more trust within me and our partnership strengthened. Our training regime was simple: ten minutes on the lunge before each ride, after which I'd tack up and we'd school through basic lateral work or introducing Brenna to small fences. We worked on flexing exercises and as a result Brenna trusted me more, working in a better outline and more engaged. Our routine was punctured every so often by a hack or a session guided by Holly. The improvement was vast.

Avery eased Lotus over a fence effortlessly before cantering the mare around the arena with a light contact on the reins. "When you told me that you wanted to compete Brenna at Kentucky, I thought you were joking. But-"

"Thanks. Nice to know you have such faith in your best friend," I replied, sarcasm dripping from my voice. I grinned to let her know I was joking.

She shook her head hastily. "No! I didn't mean it like that."

I raised my eyebrows at her with a small chuckle as Brenna danced impatiently beneath me, already bored of standing around. It was the first time I'd schooled her in the arena with the company of another horse and rider. I'd been nervous that she would lash out and cause a scene, but fortunately Brenna's bitter attitude was aimed mostly towards humans and not other equine creatures. And the mare was already accustomed to Lotus, considering they shared a field.

I pushed the mare on so as not to bore her and give her an excuse to play up. Brenna was a careful jumper and forward off the leg, although perhaps a little too forward at times when her excitement would cause her to charge at the fences, making her flatten out and jump carelessly and disunited. That was where the poles would come crashing down, something we couldn't afford at any competition, let alone Kentucky Horse Trials.

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