Chapter 42

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Suchi Pov

Sometimes we should act stronger to make others strong but when strong people break we need to be strongest. Strange thoughts kept on crawling in stupid brain of mine. "Why are you staring at us?" Nishanth waved his hand before us breaking chain reactions in my brain. 

Again silence filled but not for long, "Shre! They are waiting for you" Preetisha said pointing towards Shruthi in particular. "Wow! Look who is the celebrity now!" Shreya said with a proud smile. Nishanth and Shreya started their crazy banter and laugh again.

"Hey! Tell me what all did I miss?" saying this Preetisha sat beside Nishanth. Oh no! Here the matter is so serious and this Preet is behaving like child. I banged my head with a pillow beside me. "Guys what are you doing?" Ankith asked in serious tone. I felt relieved thinking atleast one of them is having sense. "You three left me alone" Ankith made a puppy face making the other aww for him. 

"Behave yourself, We have guests here" I shouted making them still. Now I regret doing it as this made them smile more. "I thought you four were from same school but never knew it was for mentally retarded people" Yash said with frown drawing their attention. All the four gave him death glares making him feel his death is near. 

"Sorry Shruthi! Its long time since we had this much fun. So got carried away" Shreya said politely. "Not a problem" Shruthi smiled and its genuine too. "So what made you wait for me? What is that you want to share with us?" Shreya asked. I held Yash's hand in mine.

"Its about my love. You all know I love someone right?" Shruthi questioned. Immediately I looked towards Shreya, I felt so relieved looking how Nishanth and Ankith held her. True fiends! They know what we need better than us. "Yes we do" Preetisha answered and we nodded in agreement.

"Then meet love of my life" she said holding arm of her lover. "George" she said with a blush and I felt relieved. I heard similar sounds around me, its so obvious that all are were equally worried like me. This made Karthik smile and Shruthi is lost in George's eyes. 

My eyes went to the person who must be feeling very happy now, but to my surprise there is no change in her. I signaled Ankith to pinch Shreya and he did, she pinched him back but still she remained same. 

"Sorry Shreya! You are the one who faced lot of troubles because of us" George said folding his hands. "No need of that" Shreya said blankly. "He need not but we should" Shruthi said looking at Karthik. "We owe you explanation and we will give that" Karthik said.

"If you want you can " Shreya said without looking at him. "You need to tell us bhai, why did you do all the act?" Preet demanded. "I will answer you Preet, Please dont shot on your bro" Shruthi said.

"I and George were in love from years, except Karthik no one else know this. When I confessed about this to my family they not only rejected but threatened to kill both of us. With no option left I ran from there. When all this happened George is busy with his work abroad. Then Karthik helped me" Shruthi stopped but Shreya waved her hand to continue.

"I dont know why but my parents said I can marry Karthik even though he is married or else I have to do whatever they say"  . . "Wait! You love George but why did your parents asked you to marry Karthik?" Ankith asked. 

"You all know that I was in relationship with Karthik, so my parents gave their consent for him. But dont know why?" she said holding her head. "Because I inherited my grandpa's wealth after my marriage and your family knew about it. That is the reason they wanted you to be with me" Karthik explained.

"Then Karthik made a plan by which I can make them believe that I will marry Karthik. He gave me job in his company and took me with him to all his business tours" . . I saw Shreya is listening intently with her fingers intertwined. . . 

"When everything is looking perfect, my stupid uncle came into scene. He is a private detective, so he was spying on me. Fearing he may find our secret we had to act close to each other. Later on we came to know he started spying Shreya too" Shruthi said making all of us shocked. But Shreya stayed composed. 

"Why?" I blurted out. "If I have to marry Karthik then he should divorce Shreya, so to check this he started spying her. So we acted like couple deeply in love before Shreya" Shruthi answered. "But you can tell all this to her right?" I asked glaring at her.

"Then my feelings would not be natural, then her uncle will easily find out its all nothing but an act" Shreya said making me gasp.

Shreya Pov

"You are a genius Shreya" I heard a comment but did not respond. 

"Exactly! Shreya is always with her charming smile on her face. Even though if we hurt her she manages to keep it. Then if she knows all this is a drama she cannot fake hurt feelings. So we made her feel what she should not" Shruthi said looking at me. 

People know me more than me! Strange! How can they assume things on their own? They played with my feelings for their benefit. I am always fine with it but not this time.

"We waited for George to come and Tomorrow morning we are getting married" Shruthi said with a smile. "Any doubts?" Karthik asked raising his eyebrow.

"Who attacked Shreya? Her uncle?" Preet asked with doubt. "Her uncles employee and he is also a convict in some other case now" Karthik explained and I frowned. "Your clue helped Jai!" he answered my unformed question. Yes! he answered when its still in formation state. 

"Why did you break up with her?" Ankith asked pointing Shruthi. "Because we were never in love. We believed that a girl and boy can never be friends, so we decided to get married to stay together forever. But fate made us realise it soon that we were thinking wrong. So we broke up and never mentioned any reason then our destiny made us meet our love" Shruthi said and winked at Karthik making him smile.

"So now you believe girl and boy can be friends forever?" I asked. "Of course! I do. Now I have examples to prove too" Karthik said smiling sheepishly looking at us. I got my answer. 

"Shruthi! Why were you so rude to me?" I asked her. "I believe that you are not right for Karthik which I believe even now. Frankly I did not like you so I behaved that way" Shruthi said casually. 

"Thank you so much for everything Karthik, You are my only friend and well wisher" Shruthi said with tears in her eyes and Karthik wiped them lovingly. "So I invite you all for my wedding tomorrow morning, please do come" Shruthi invited us warmly.

"Everyone will come except me and Shreya. Its final" Suchi ordered. I thanked her mentally for this but I should know the reason why she did not want me to go.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sorry for late update. Hope you guys like this chapter and I am sorry for any mistakes in it. Please give your feedback and if you have any doubts let me know. 

Thank you for reading

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