The beautiful scene was wrecked in my mind when my eyes landed on Sirus. He wore a simple white shirt and pants. There was absolutely nothing dressy about his attire. No suit?

I recognized some men. They were all behind him as well. Except for Rowan who stood next to front of a large tree stump that had items on it. "Just walk over there. On the other side of the stump...and you will have to get on his back...when he becomes a wolf of course," Chelsea said before squeezing my hand and smiling.

Hesitantly, I walked over to the stump. Rowan gave me a curt nod. I am guessing he is acting as the priest.... I glanced at King Sirus. He was smiling down at me. I looked to the ground. He growled but said nothing else.

Rowan began to speak. I didn't understand the language. I stood there, confused. Rowan recited words, which Sirus recited too. They both looked at me. "Say them aloud," he told me.

I tried my best. I wish I knew what I was saying. What I was getting myself into. Once I said those words, Sirus grabbed this sparkling gold necklace. Chelsea was right. It was beautiful. My eyes soaked up the appearance of it. Sure enough it was two wolves on it. They were facing opposite directions. The tails were intertwined. "Your hair," he said as I slowly turned around, holding my hair up. The cold metal touched my neck, and an odd sensation flowed through me.

Turning back around, Rowan gave me Sirus's necklace. He turned around and I glared at Rowan. How on earth was I supposed to get this necklace on him? I was shorter than him. "Try," Rowan said with a smirk.

I sighed, going on my tippy toes and managing to get it around his neck. As soon as pressed the two clasps together securing it into his neck...they melded into one. I gasped. Touching my own necklace. There was no clasp. It disappeared... I had to be going mad.

"Now," Rowan said as he pulled a dagger out of his jacket. I took a step back. What on earth was he doing with that? Sirus willingly gave up his palm. I watched Rowan slice his hand. Sirus then balled his hand into a fist, and the droplets of Crimson blood dropped unto the wooden stump.

The stump...was actually dark red. It looked as if this wasn't the first time blood had been dropped into it. "My Queen," Rowan said while holding his hand out to me.

My hand shot out. I was going to get this over with. Rowan sliced my hand. Blood oozed from my cut...without me having to ball my fist up. I watched as my bright blood seeped unto the stump.

Rowan took a piece of cloth and wrapped my palm in it. Then his hushed voice turned into a loud shout. They were speaking in their language I supposed. Everyone began shouting, howling, and yelling. Sirus turned around and all of the men began to hug and now and such.

I turned around too. Not knowing what to do. I was met with Fiona. She dropped to one knee. Bowed. Then left. Other women I have never seen, kissed me on the cheek. Hugged me. Bowed. Or just smiled and then began to tear off their clothing.

As the women began to get naked, I turned my head to the men. The same thing was  happening. I gulped, deciding to shift my attention to the stump. My blood wasn't seeping. I glanced at Rowan worriedly. If it didn't seep, would they kill me?

Rowan quickly put a finger to his lips...before averting the men's gazes by howling and ripping his shirt off. They seemed to appreciate that.

Before I knew it....all of them were large wolves. I gulped, looking down at a particular wolf that had on a gold necklace... He was black and fluffy and large. My heart began to pound in my chest.

Memories from the night it happened clouded my vision. These were monsters. Everyone had changed...except for Eddie and I. "Eddie come here," I gulped as he ran over to me. He was standing next to a small wolf who was barking at him and following him. He screamed and jumped into my arms. I knew it was Sarah. She was a small cute beast...but still...a beast.

"Esme I wanna leave," he whimpered as the very large wolf began to walk up to me.

"Stop," I tried. Last time I had commanded them to stop, they did. But...I was commanding their King now.

I stumbled back, falling onto the ground, Eddie still managed to be attached to me. I was frozen in fear. How did their beasts work? Did he recognize me? He was growling and showing his teeth. He looked ready to kill.

Then Eddie suddenly scrambled out of my arms and walked up to the beast Sirus. "No means no!" He shouted, and slapped Sirus on the nose.

I have never, ever heard a wolf laugh. But I am pretty sure that the wolves around us were snickering. Some of them howled and the others watched Sirus closely. "Eddie," I scolded.

Sirus now had his ears flat to his head. He was snarling at my brother. He shoved Eddie down with a push of his snout. I glared at the wolf as he slowly made his way up to me. Then I watched as tiny arms came around the large wolf head. "Don't be mean to Esme or bite her!" Eddie said while Sirus made eye contact with me. He growled at Eddie and shook him off of himself.

"Eddie do not attack him!" I snapped, watching the wolf Sirus yip in agreement. He was now a few inches away from me...and did something surprising. He began sniffing me. I stood deathly still as he sniffed my head, my neck, my chest, and the began to grumble as he sniffed at my stomach and further. "St-stop that!" I said while hitting him with my hand. He snarled and I remained silent. He then began to tug on my dress. "What is wrong with you!" I shouted as some of it began to rip. Was he going mad?!

I pulled back at the end of my dress but I could already hear the material ripping. In less than a few seconds, he had a piece of my dress in his mouth. He trotted over to the male wolves and put it on the ground.

The next thing I saw amazed me. They began fighting for a piece of my dress! I watched as they bit, scratched, and clawed at each other. The females growled, barked, and yipped. As if encouraging this barbaric behavior!

The fight continued for at least a straight five more minutes until one dark wolf, grabbed it in his mouth. He had been fighting everyone. And was the only wolf who was able to stand on his...four legs. Without a single scratch. I looked at his eyes. A smile arose from my lips. Of course it would be Rowan.

He trotted over to me where Sirus stood and placed it at my feet. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I grabbed it. Rowan lifted up a paw. Did he want me to tie it around it?

I hoped I was doing the right thing. I took the dirt covered piece of material and wrapped it around his left paw. Sirus then head butted Rowan and they all began to howl.

Eddie began to howl too and I glared at him. He ignored me and patted Sirus on the head. I was surprised Sirus hadn't bitten off his small hand by now. I was surprised.

I felt something nudging at my back. It was a female wolf. I quickly got up as the wolf Sirus looked at me expectantly. Everyone began to run and he barked at me. Rowan, Eddie, Sirus and I were left.

I suppose this was the time I was supposed to ride him. I hesitantly got onto the beast. He was soft...and warm. I watched Eddie struggle to get onto the large Rowan. "Rowan I do not know if you can understand but if he falls off I will chop off your snout."

Sirus made a noise. Rowan shook his head as Eddie wrapped his arms tightly around him. I closed my eyes....and he took off.

This was my new life. Running with wolves.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment and if you all haven't already check out my other two books, 'Primal Urges' and my baby 'His for the Taking.' Anyway, please vote and comment! Till next time;)

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