Another Day In The Life

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Hey! Yesterday the second chapter was supposed to be posted, but I accidentally fell asleep😨. But here's the second part..

After Cas left, I felt kinda down, like a part of me has been pulled away. He said he's staying somewhere good, but I don't know why he doesn't stay here... oh that's right, I said no. I'm so sacred about my feelings for Cas, I kicked him out saying there were only two beds, and wasn't room for him. I could have slept beside Sam, not like he care we're brothers. Or me and Cas could... Dean stop, just get that off your mind. I mean Cas a Angel, why would he fall in love with a guy who is a jerk to him all the time. I didn't have to bring up what he did to Sam, but I did because I'm an ass. His face looked like he saw the saddest thing times 10. He really is sorry for what he did. I sighed and got up, stretching my arms, I looked at the time on the computer 4:30 AM, wow late. I was researching, which always takes hours. I found where the lady is, and I'm gonna try and question her, but other than that, I couldn't find anything. All that research and all I found was where she lives... this is why Sam does the research. I turned off my computer, and then I look at my pain in the ass brother, his legs hanging off the bed and his head barely even on the mattress. No way in hell is he gonna be asleep and not me. I know having Lucifer hallucinations are terrible, but so is me with no sleep. So I decided to leave a note to Sammy, just in case he get up before me.
If you're up before me (which you most likely will) wake me up you know you can't be alone anymore. Anyway I have a hunt to do tomorrow in Wyoming, Cheyenne and I don't really think you should go, but if your stubborn and wanna try then you need to be WITH me and don't run off.
Signed Dean.
I laid down on the bed, and pulled the comforter over me, and closed my eyes, and soon drifted off to sleep...
I was standing in a room, all white, and my vision was blurry. I saw an outline of what seemed to be Cas. I had a sense he was in trouble, but I couldn't do anything, I couldn't say anything. Finally I was able to talk, but only say one thing.
"Castiel" I say the word, falling off my lips so easily. Like it was the only thing I knew.
I couldn't see him clearly, but I could feel him, everywhere. I need him. Someone grabbed him but he was even more blurry than Cas, I still couldn't move, I started shaking, Cas was gone... Don't leave me. He can't leave me.
"Dean" I hear a man calling.
I wake up, getting up off the bed in seconds. Sweat dripping from my forehead.
"Dean what the hell" Sam said.
"Just a bad dream Sammy. What time is it" I say.
"Uh 10:00 AM"
I wiped the sweat off my forehead, and saw my shirt was also sweaty.
"Some dream, you sure you're okay?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. So you got my note" I ask.
"Yeah. So what's the hunt" Sam asked.
I filled him in with everything that went on last night. Including that Cas was also on the lookout too.
"Okay so..."
"We go to the lady's house and question her, see if she saw or heard anything, hopefully she did. Then we call Cas see if he found anything" I say.
"Cas is usually the type to come to us when he finds something." Sam says.
"Well lately Cas has been all over the place, he's still is trying to be a normal Angel again, and not a Leviathan vessel, he has a lot on his plate. So we give him some more time to look, then once we're done with the lady, we call him" I say.
"Okay let's go" Sam said.
I look down at my shirt and realized I definitely need a shower first.
"I'll be right back, i need to wash this sweat off." I said.
Sam nodded and started to get out his computer. He must be feeling a lot better... I walked into the bathroom, closed the door, and started to strip down the sweaty clothes. I walked in the bath and started up the water, letting it go down my back and I'm my chest, cooling off my body. I kept thinking about the dream, I'm worried about Cas, and I don't even know why it's just a dream. But I can't help but feel nervous and almost scared about this hunt...
I got out of the bathroom, already dressed in my FBI uniform and saw so was Sam.
"Missed us doing this." Sam said.
"You know, I do too." I said.
We walk out the door and to the Impala. It must have rained a bit because the windows looked wet. That dream... why can't I stop thinking about it. I unlocked the door, and before I got in the driver's seat Sam stopped me.
"Dean you look funny, let me drive." Sam said.
"No Sam, I don't..."
"I'm fine Dean, you get some more sleep, maybe that's the problem." Sam said.
"Are you sure Sam?" I asked.
He opened the driver's seat door and got in, and I got in the passenger's seat. When I sat down, it felt like I've been standing forever.
"Dean you sure you are okay?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be"
"That dream you had?"
"It's nothing please Sam let's just go." I say impatiently.
Sam sighed knowing he wasn't going to get this out of me.
"Okay" Sam said.
"And remember if you start seeing Lucifer or anything-"
"Tell you. And do whatever it takes to tell myself it's not real. Gotcha" Sam said with a chuckle.
I smile also, hoping that he follows what I told him. I leaned my head against the head rest, and closed my eyes. Please no more dreams about Cas, forget about everything for a while. As the engine roars to life, I finally... slowly fall asleep.....
I was sitting on the only couch I had in the house, playing my meeting with Dean over and over in my head. It's like I can't be around him without my cheeks heating up or me smiling. I don't know why. Then my eyes start to close and for some reason, I can't open them. Angels don't sleep, so what's going on? When my eyes fully shut, I'm in a house, a very nice one actually. This house... It's familiar... I've been here...
"You haven't" a male voice said from somewhere inside the house. Wait that voice it's mine, but it can't be... Then he appeared in front of me, wearing the same outfit. "But I have"
This is Jimmy Novak's house. My vessel...
Second chapter done! I'll be posting one more then the fourth one will be tomorrow, then the fifth will be Tuesday. I really hope you guys like the story so far, thank you everyone for following me and reading this. And please everyone comment and vote!!!😊😊

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