Til' Death Do Us Part- Pt.1

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I laid in bed beside Castiel, we were under a blanket cuddled up. I remembered the night before and smiled. It was so amazing, and he was so gentle and sweet. I stood up and felt a little sore from last night's activities. And kissed Cass' head and I found a spare blanket and wrapped myself in it, I went in the other bedroom, where most of mine and Sam's clothes are at. Picked an outfit, a towel and washcloth, and got in the shower. I kind of hated washing everything off, but I know I needed to smell fresh. Cas is still so innocent, well partly, he was very excited to have sex. We were very loud and I hope Sam and the others don't say anything. I fell asleep almost right after, so I don't know what happened after Crowley told us about what was going on today. Oh crap, I need to hurry Cas doesn't have a lot of time left. I just was washing off when Cas came in.
"Dean is that you" Cas said in a very cute voice.
He couldn't see me through the dark blue curtain, so I let him know it was me.
"Yeah babe" I said.
"Could I join you please." He said.
I blushed momentarily and said.
"Yeah sure"
I didn't have it in me to tell him to leave. So he got in and closed the certain. I looked at his body and he was just so gorgeous, so much muscle.
"Cas did you wear a blanket or something over you body, so Sam or Bobby didn't see." I said trying to get my mind off how hot he looks.
"No why Dean." Cas said with water running down his face.
"Because Sam and Bobby don't want to see you nude. The only one that gets to see you nude is me." I said smiling.
"I know Dean, trust me I want you to" Cas said and gave me a kiss.
I blushed again and kissed back. I remembered he probably doesn't even know about showers. Cute Angel.
"You need some help." I asked.
"Yes a lot of help" he said with a chuckle.
"Okay first shampoo and conditioner which we have in the bottle over there." I said pointing to the corner of the huge bathtub.
"How do you have both in one" Cas asked.
"They put shampoo and conditioner in the same bottle I don't know how they mix it though, but it's easier for us to take faster showers." I said.
"Oh I understand now" Cas said.
I took about the longest shower that I ever took, Cas didn't understand a lot more things.
➖➖➖➖45 minutes Later➖➖
We got out and dried off, and it was very awkward moment seeing each other even though what we did, it just felt funny, but nice too. I saw Cas look at my butt, and gently touched it.
"Are you okay" Cas said worried.
"Yeah Cas I'm fine I'm just a little sore but it's okay." I said.
"Maybe I shouldn't have done that Dean..." Cas said looking down.
I picked his chin up and kissed him.
"Cas, of course it's gonna hurt at first and it's a little sore the first morning but that's fine. I loved last night, it was one of the best nights of my life." I said.
"Well if your happy, I'm happy. It was amazing." Cas said and kissed my cheek.
We got dressed, Cas in the usual, and me in grey t-shirt with blue jeans, we both walk down the steps holding hands. Bobby and Sam were on the couch watching tv.
"Okay, Sam and I prayed to Trey he should be here very soon." Bobby said.
"I really hope this guy falls for this" Sam said.
"He will Sam. Did you put the Holy Oil in the right spot?" I asked.
"Yeah. Everything is all set up" Sam said.
"But if we can't do this at Bobby's, he will know it's the same place he took my Grace, he'll know something is up." Cas said.
"Well we planted the Holy Oil someplace else." Sam said.
"Where" Cas asked.
"Trey will zap us there when he gets here, it's kind of a surprise." Sam said.
A few minutes later Trey appears.
"It's 12:30 we don't have a lot of time left, why didn't you guys call sooner."
"Well I was researching all night with Bobby trying to find any other way. But we were all exhausted." Sam said.
"That's no excuse. Cas is in danger!" Trey yelled at Sam.
"It's hard to research most of the night without hardly any sleep, stop being such a dick." Sam yelled back.
Trey looked very mad, I was about to step in until Cas went over to Trey.
"You need to stop being so mean to them Trey, they're my friends. It's okay we still have a lot more time." Cas said.
Trey looks at him deeply, almost too much... and I realize the son of a bitch likes him. Oh hell no.
"Okay Trey could you zap us to the place, I'm still a little sore from last night. Wow Cas you blew me away." I said and smirked.
Cas turned around and blushed.
"I thought you said we aren't supposed to talk about it?" Cas said.
"Yeah but still it was obvious I mean everyone knows." I said looking at a very mad Trey.
"Oh well... Okay." Cas said awkwardly.
Bobby and Sam looked very awkward, and Trey was pissed.
"Yeah it was so good, maybe we do it tonight too" I said.
Cas turned redder then a tomato, he was looking down at his feet, but I could still see his red face.
This was intended to make Trey mad, not embarrass Cas, oh well he looks cute when he's blushing.
"Okay enough. You guys ready or what." Trey said very mad.
"What's the matter Trey, why are you so mad." I said smiling.
Trey was acting like I wasn't even there and kept talking to the others
"Whatever let's just go" Trey said.
He managed to zap all of us there even Bobby, who we thought wasn't gonna go but tagged along anyway. We were in a abandoned barn, and I could see where Sam put the Holy Oil.
"Okay you guys hide outside and I'll light the Holy Oil and call you in when he's trapped." Trey said.
I looked around and realized this was the barn where me and Cas first met. I looked at Cas and he smiled at me, he must remembered it too. We walked outside and hid in the sack of hay outside. Then Meg and Crowley quickly appeared behind us.
"Meg, Crowley?" Cas said.
"Yeah we are here to help Unicorn." Meg said.
Good we might need all the help we can get, but also, I hope we won't need it....

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