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Irene pov.

My favorite kdrama was on but all I could think of were Taehyung's words.

I swear that I will always be honest with you and always tell you the truth.

I don't want this relationship to be based on lies. And if we want this to work, we have to trust each other and that's only possible with honesty right?

His words still echoed in my head. I grabbed a pillow and pressed it on my face. How am I supposed to get this relationship going when I lied about my family from the beginning.

This bothered me too much. He will only get hurt and the thought of him being broken because I am too much of a coward made me go insane. An hour later, the phone rang and I was wondering who it is since was really late already. Sighing I stood up to walk to the phone and picked it up.

"Irene. It's me. Ailee."

I gulped. "Yes?", I said a few moments later, trying to collect my thoughts.

"I know it's late, but could you maybe ask your parents, if it's ok for you to come upstairs for like an hour or something?", she said, her voice having a sad undertone. "They are not home", I said coldly. I know it's childish to act like that, but the words she said behind my back, still echoed in my head and it really hurt my feelings.

"Oh. Could you come tomorrow then?", she asked. "I will try to come after school, but I won't promise any-",

"It's because of Dahyun", she cut me off.

"I'm coming", I said, put the phone away, and got a cardigan before running upstairs to apartment six.

I knocked a couple of times before Ailee opened the door. Her eyes were swollen and she was looking awful. "Is everything ok?", I asked more worried now. She nodded slightly and lead me to Dahyun's room. I carefully entered the room and saw her lying in bed, she was looking pale and it was obvious she cried because her eyes were still puffy and teary. Ailee shut the door behind me and I lightly sat next to my friend, caressing her hair.

"Irene", her voice cracked before she started crying again. I smiled at her and she sat up to hug me tight. "What's wrong, Dahyun?", I whispered as I patted her back.

"M-My Dad... H-He forgot about it...", she sobbed. I looked at her confused, wiping away some tears that fell from her eyes. "Hey, take a deep breath and then tell me everything ok? I am here. Don't worry, I am always by your side."

I got her a glass of water and she calmed down, not completely but she was finally able to talk properly.

"Today is my mother's anniversary of death and he just took Ailee out for dinner! I can't believe this! This is just the biggest bullshit ever! How can he forget about his wife and go out with his lover ON HER DEATH ANNIVERSARY!" Dahyun started sobbing again.

I fondled her shoulder. "Dahyun," I started. "It's ok. Calm down. I know what you are trying to say but you kind of have to accept the fact that your father married Ailee and that she is his current wife. You can't expect people to cling to a person who is dead. Sooner or later, you have to move on, dear", I cooed to calm her.

But she furiously shook her head. "No!", she shouted which made me flinch. "They could fucking celebrate it any other day but not on MY mother's death anniversary! I can't believe you are on Ailee's side, Irene!"

"I never said that-", I tried to protest but she kept shouting. "Leave now! I want to be alone! Go away!"

I quickly got up and left, not mad though, I could understand how she was feeling so I got back to the basement. Jimin wasn't home, which means I am alone. I sighed and got ready for bed.

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