Chapter 7

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I leave as soon as dawn breaks, planning to get back before Phil wakes. I board the train, clutching a picture of Phil and I together tightly on my hand.

Soon, the train ride finally comes to a close, and I bound off the train. "I'm coming, Phil," I mutter to myself. Quickly, I weave through the streets of London, dodging people and cars. Finally, I'm in front of my apartment building once again. Excitedly, I hurry up the stairs.

I tiptoe into Phil's room, and sure enough, he's lying in his bed. His long limbs are tangled in the duvet, and his face is tear-stained, like he had cried himself to sleep. As quietly as I can, I drop my bags and slip into bed beside him. He snuggles into me and I wrap my arms protectively around him. I sigh contentedly. I told you I'd come back.


Yay another chapter!

Ansley wrote this (a.k.a. me)

I'm aware this was short but I think this is a good place to end off the chapter. Besides if I did merge this chapter with the next one then there would be like seven chapters so

Hope you enjoyed :)

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