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As she stood outside of the small building that used to be her home away from home when she was younger, she took a moment to think over what exactly was taking place on this somewhat cloudy afternoon -- she was finally meeting Luke for the first time. Well, for the first time in the real world instead of the alternate reality she'd created within her mind.

It seemed unreal that this could actually be happening. In fact she had tossed and turned constantly last night devising various ways this could all play out, and due to her mind running nonstop, she had barely two hours of sleep under her belt. However, she refuses to give into her exhaustion or the glum mood that has been set by the lack of sunshine.

She takes a deep breath as she wraps her fingers tightly around the door handle and pulls it open. Once inside, Mae releases the breath she almost held captive and reluctantly inhales the sweet, lemony scent of the antique book shop. Since it's still early in the afternoon there are only about five or six people occupying the space. It's a little busier once people are released from their usual obligations which is why Mae chose this time to meet Luke.

Not only because she didn't want him to be overwhelmed, but also because she's not normally a fan of crowded rooms or buildings. Nice and quaint is more her typical scene.

A genuine smile overtakes her face as she walks by the sweet, elderly woman behind the counter.

"Good afternoon, darling," she greets.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," Mae smiles. It's been quite awhile since she's made a trip to Nana's Book Nook, so she takes no offense to being unrecognizable by the store owner.

Her fingers trail gently along the book spines as she slowly wanders through the aisles of classic novels. After a few moments she stumbles across a book she's always wanted to read, but has yet to have the chance to -- Wuthering Heights. She's seen the movie adaptation numerous times, but imagines it's no comparison to the written version.

Her fingers grasp it tightly and tuck it gently beneath her arm as she wanders over to an empty, worn leather chair in the back corner. Just as she opens it and flips to the first page, she hears the bell above the door chime. Her blue eyes trail to the figure entering through the threshold, and just as she's about to glance toward his face, they stop and linger on an accessory adorning his left wrist.

The breath within her lungs escapes immediately as she mindlessly sets the book down and rises from the chair. It's him, she thinks.

As she made her way over to him, she noticed that he was twisting the bracelet around his wrist with his other hand while his eyes searched the room.

She stopped short as his blue eyes trailed past her and cautiously found their way back, looking deep into her own. A fire erupted inside her as they made eye contact, and before she could comprehend that he was actually here, he walked over to her and slowly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her as close to him as possible.

"I finally found you," he whispered into her hair as her arms finally found their place around his waist.

Even though she desperately wanted to say something, she settled for silence, a very comfortable silence. Her head nuzzled against his chest as he continued to hold her. It didn't strike her as odd or uncomfortable. In fact, it seemed completely and utterly normal.

After what seemed like an eternity, Luke's arms finally fell to his sides as Mae followed his actions.

"Hi," he whispered.

"Hey," she breathed, her lips tugging up into a small smile. "It's great to finally meet you."

"It's certainly is," he agreed, grabbing her small hand within his own.

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