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Whenever Mae's dreamed or fantasized about something happening, most of the time it never occurs exactly how she thinks it will, but she feels as though this time will be different. This time it'll be more than she could've ever imagined.

After she sent her tweet to Luke, he got back to her immediately. In fact, he actually followed her and then proceeded to message her directly. It took her a moment to comprehend what was going on because it was so surreal. Out of millions of girls, she's the one that Luke Hemmings was searching for.

Since she was so out of it when his message had come through, a good amount of time had passed before she answered. By the time she actually composed herself, he was right there waiting. However, she wouldn't let him know that she was so affected by him, so she did her best to seem as calm and collected as possible.

New message from Luke5SOS:

luke: it just so happens that I have a charm bracelet with an arrow attached

mae: how do you know I'm the only girl who has a bracelet like that?

Since she was so adamant that it couldn't be her, she decided to make the situation kind of difficult. She refused to believe such a thing even though she wished more than anything for it to be true. Basically, Mae is the walking, talking definition of a contradiction.

luke: i don't know, but i'm hoping you are because i've been trying very hard to find its rightful owner

How hard was very hard? She couldn't help but wonder just how desperately he wanted this -- to find the mystery girl that will be all that he's dreamed of. What will happen if she's not what he expected? She's not sure she wants to find out because she's sure it'll be devastating for the both of them.

As she ponders her reply, she thinks back to the very realistic dream that started all of this. She thinks about how she was just as stubborn then as she is now, and how he was so persistent and considerate about her feelings despite her walls. Or how he made her feel so important when she felt absolutely worthless.

All that she had imagined then was more than perfect, so why would this be any different? You'll never find out if you're the girl he's so desperate to find if you never put yourself out there, Ashton's words playback in her mind as she sits on her floor staring wide-eyed at her phone. For once in her life she's going to put herself out there because if she doesn't, she'll regret it until the end of time.

mae: well, i guess there is one more way to figure out if it's me

When her mother gave her the bracelet, she had said there was a secret inscription on the arrow that could only be seen under the glow of a blacklight. At the time, it had seemed silly to have such a thing, but for a time like this, it seemed essential.

luke: how?

mae: this'll seem weird, but do you have a blacklight?

luke: this'll seem even more weird but yes i do

mae: stick the bracelet underneath it and tell me if you see anything

Mae waited patiently for him to say whether or not anything shows up. If the universe is on her side, then there'll be an inscription of her name, and if it's not then some other girl out there is much luckier than she'll ever know.

She watches the clock as the time passes. Tick tock. Tick tock.

Suddenly, a new notification appears, causing Mae's heartbeat to increase at a rapid speed. She pauses before looking at it.

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