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l u k e

I lost something a couple weeks back. Maybe you have it and we're meant to meet!

My necklace went missing and I'm sure you might have it, luke

Omg you could have my missing ring!

Luke, please tell me you have a bracelet! I've been looking all over for it!!

Luke's heart nearly fell out of his chest as he read over the most recent tweet. He's been receiving responses nonstop for the past three hours, and this is the first one that coincides with his situation.

There have been countless tweets about lost rings, necklaces, books, keys, and even a pair of ripped skinny jeans. Although, he thinks that last one might've come from Calum just to mess with him.

Luke quickly sits up and follows the girl who tweeted about the missing bracelet. He then proceeds to message her, inquiring further about the piece of jewelry. Luckily, she responds immediately. It's not exactly what he wanted, but what he definitely expected.

New message from @amygfivesos
omg, luke! hi thank you so much for following me holy crap what even?

New message from @Luke5SOS
hi amy! it's a pleasure to talk to you :-)

Luke didn't even realize how idiotically formal he was being, he just wanted to quickly introduce himself so he could move onto more important things. He allowed her a moment to finish freaking out about the situation at hand before continuing.

New message from @Luke5SOS
so what exactly does your bracelet look like?

He figured if he found out the description, he'd know for sure whether this was the rightful owner or not.

New message from @amygfivesos
it's a charm bracelet but it only has one charm so i guess it's not exactly a 'charm' bracelet per say haha

At this, Luke's heartbeat inclined rapidly. So far, so good.

New message from @Luke5SOS
what's the charm?

New message from @amygfivesos
it's a bird :)

Cue the disappointment. Luke couldn't believe it. This was the wrong owner. Sure, Amy's bracelet was out there somewhere, but Luke isn't the one who stumbled across it.

New message from @Luke5SOS
damn, i'm sorry, amy, but i don't have your bracelet.

New message from @amygfivesos
aw man that's a shame :( it's been missing for quite awhile and i really hoped you'd have it

New message from @Luke5SOS
i'm so sorry. i hope you come across it soon, and btw i promise to keep in touch :-) xx

Luke made sure to save her twitter user in his phone because he's determined to keep his promise. She might not have been the one he was looking for, but that doesn't mean he'll drop her just like that. He thoroughly enjoys interacting with his fans, and he's hopeful that she'll find her own bracelet and that she'll let him know when she does.

Since that didn't work out the way he'd hoped, he goes back to the beginning, and continues looking at tweet after tweet. His eyes scroll endlessly and after awhile all of the words seem to morph into one huge blur. With a few blinks, everything's back to normal, but it doesn't stay that way for long.

The words morph together once again and before he knows it, he's drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the girl with vibrant red hair and loving words saved just for him.

m a e

Mae snored softly as her mind vividly imagined a scenario she's wished to come true over and over again.

With her red hair partially hidden under the black and grey snapback, her blue eyes looked up to find his staring back. He leaned against the brick wall with his hands in his pockets and his black lip ring pulled between his teeth.

As she gradually approached him, he pushed up and away from the wall, slowly approaching her as well. They met in the middle, silence falling around them.

Moments passed before one of them muttered a word coincidently at the same time as the other.

"Hi," they said, him cracking a small smile while she blushed furiously.

"I-," they both began to say again, and after a chuckle left his slightly chapped lips, he said, "you go first."

She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before speaking.

"Oh, I was just going to say sorry," she smiled awkwardly.

Even though he's already been a victim of smiling like a little kid, he couldn't help but do it once again. In fact, he felt as though he couldn't help doing a lot of things. It was as though he's forgotten how to function properly around her, and in a peculiar way it felt perfectly normal. There was something about this girl that made it okay to be lost and confused.

He might not feel like himself, but that doesn't mean he can't be a version he's yet to discover.

"Are you alright?" Her voice flowed through his ears, gently pulling him back to reality; back to this moment.

"I'm wonderful, perfect actually."

"That's good." It might've been stupid for her to say that, but she couldn't form any other type of response. All she could think of was how desperately she wanted to close the gap between them.

Just as she was about to part her lips to allow words to escape, he took a small step toward her.

"I know this might seem irrational," he said, "but it feels right."

Before she can even figure out what he's talking about, he places his hands on her waist and attaches his lips to hers.

At the sound of her alarm clock, Mae can feel her dream fading away from her. She knows that she's losing him to the depths of reality, and as much as she fights to stay with him, she's ripped away.

Her eyes open one by one and as they focus on the clock, she mutters, "I hate you."

She hates the alarm clock for tearing her away from him, and she hates him for pulling her into his kiss.

so i intended this to be up before the day was over, but i guess i can settle for getting it up after the day has started. :)

this was an exciting chapter to write, so hopefully it's an exciting one to read. for now, it helps with my knack for writing cutesy and very cliché scenes between mae and luke without them actually being together.

anywho, i hope you all have a fantastic day/night (depending on wherever you are) [p.s. see what i did there ;)]

p.s.s. for all of my new followers, thank you so much for deciding i'm worthy of a follow and i hope you enjoy your stay! i seriously love each and everyone of my followers and don't know what i'd do without you :* mwah!


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