*Flashback* After The Fight

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Bruce's POV

Oh damn it. What did I just do!? Maybe he will come back? Gosh darn it I f*cked up...
"Master Bruce?" Sh*t. I turned around and saw Alfred holding a dusted, Sporting a confused facial expression. "Where is Master Damian going?" I froze. I looked down, holding my chin as if I was to busy thinking to have heard him. Alfred didn't buy it. "Master Bruce, is something wrong with Master Damian?" It came out more stern han his previous questions.
"I hope not, Alfred. It was just a small fight, maybe he left to get some fresh air." I wouldn't be able to keep up the lie much longer. I would have to tell him at some point, but for now I will stick with my story.
"Let's hope he is ok and comes back in time for dinner." Alfred said, skeptically. He walked out of the room and I sighed, rubbing my face tiredly with my hands. I can't keep doing this. He will figure I out on his own at some point anyway. I hope Damian's ok. I thought, heading upstairs and getting ready for bed.

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