I Don't Get It

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Damian's POV

After breakfast, I went and cleaned up, showering and changing. All the necessary things. I walked into the living room, working on zipping up my sweatshirt. When I looked up, Todd had his jacket on like he was ready to leave.
     "Where are you going?" I asked. Todd looked over at me.
     "To the Manor. I'm gonna talk to Alfred." Todd said, opening the door and leaving. As the door shut, I grumbled. Great. I pulled my hood up and sat on the couch. I waited for 5 minutes before getting up and leaving.


I walked down the street, not really going to any place in particular. I just wanted to get out of the house. I rounded the corner and a lady threw a box out of her front door. The box hit the ground and baby kittens and their mother fell out. I rushed to them, people in the crowd jumping away. I picked them up and put them back in the box.
"It's ok, you're gonna be fine." I cooed, helping them settle as much as I could, getting up and running back to the safe house. I went in and set them on the couch, running back out.


When I came back, Todd was there, and he looked furious.
     "Where were you!?" He snapped, crossing his arms. The kittens had been moved to a big blanket on the couch, fixed up into a cat bed. I set the bag of cat food and cat litter down, putting the new litter box and food and water bowls on top of it.
     "Getting some things that cats require." I said, calmly.
     "I didn't know where you were!!!! A note would've been nice! Maybe a, "out cat shopping" or some sh*t! All I came home to was an empty house with cats crying in an old box on the couch!" Then I realized how furious Todd really was.
     "Then you should've put two and two togeth-"
     "Don't give me that bullsh*t! Stop acting like people don't care because they do! I know you can take care of yourself, but that doesn't change a damn thing!" Todd snapped, storming off into the kitchen.


I set everything up for the kittens and their mother, sitting on the couch and staring at the blank TV. Todd hasn't talked to me since he yelled at me. Cares? He was worried...? I don't get it...
     "Your dinner is on the table." Todd said from out of nowhere. I turned my head and saw him leaning against the entrance of the kitchen/dinning room. "That is, if you're hungry." He said, pushing off of the door frame and walking back into the kitchen. I watched him go, debating on weather or not I should follow or stay here. I eventually got up and went to get changed into some pajamas. Afterwards I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, looking at the spaghetti on my plate.
     "I don't get it." I said suddenly. Todd, didn't turn around, continuing what he was doing. I couldn't see because he was blocking my view.
     "Don't get what?" He deadpanned, lacking much emotion in the question.
     "Why do you care?" I snapped. Todd turned halfway, glaring. He had his domino on.
     "You know that's a dimba$$ question." Was all he said before walking away from the counter. I saw what he had been doing. A bowl filled with blood and water, some gauze, and pliers. He had been removing a bullet. He walked back over and used the gauze to wrap his left forearm, pulling his jacket sleeve back down and started to clean up and put everything away. I started eating. The food was very good. I never would've thought that Todd would be able to cook so well. If at all.
     "Can I go on patrol with you?" I asked through a mouthful of spaghetti.
     "What?! No!" Todd, snapped.
     "Come on. I can be of assistance. An asset." I smirked, pointing at him lazily with my fork. I started wolfing down my food, suddenly realizing how hungry I was. I finished quickly.
     "No." Todd growled, walking to the cabinet and pulling out some chips.
     "No. No, no, no, no, no." I said, getting up and walking over, snatching the chips out of his hands. I went to the cabinet and pulled out a can of chicken noodle soup. I went to the stove and put a pot on it, turning the stove on and waiting before opening the can of soup and pouring it into the pot. Todd walked over and went to turn to stove off but I smacked his hand. "Sit down." I demanded, continuing to cook the soup. Todd rolled his eyes, sitting down. I finished cooking and gave him the soup in a bowl with a spoon. I grabbed my plate went to the sink, rinsing it off before putting it in the dish washer. Todd ate slowly. "Hurry up or we won't have time for patrol." Todd ate quicker. He finished in a matter of minutes, grabbing his helmet from the counter and putting it on. I went to go get changed.

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