Striking Back

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Magictwist377 made a book like this one called To Heal A broken Bird! I've really enjoyed it so far and if you like this book, go check out theirs, it's really good!


Damian's POV

I watched Grayson fill everyone in on the situation. Drake, Clone-Boy, Brown, Caine, Gordon, and Father were here. So was Superman, even. I was near the back of the room, as far from Father as possible. He kept stealing glances at me until I got so sick of it that I just decided to go somewhere else. Of all places, I choose Todd's room. I sat on his bed after shutting the door. I heard a piece of paper crinkle under my weight and I got up, looking down at the bed and saw a note. It was well written. Kind of reminded me of-


If you come back with me, and fulfil your rightful place as the next leader of The League Of Assassins, I will spare Jason Todd's life.


Range welled up inside me. I could still hear Grayson speaking to everyone in the living room. I could either rely on everyone's ability to get Todd back and beat the odds of Mother killing him, or I could turn myself in. But what if Mother is lying? I pondered over this until Grayson opened the door.

"What's in your hand?" He asked, walking up to me. My first instinct was to pull the note out of Grayson's view and deny everything, but maybe he could help. So I handed it to him.

"One of the assassins must have left this. What should we do?" I asked, looking up at him. Grayson was deep in thought, staring at the note.

"I got an idea."


I walked down the subway station and to the brick wall at the dead end. Arkham City's secret entrance. Father found this (It was in Batman Arkham City (I think) so if you have played it you will hopefully get what I'm talking about) while trying to get it to get a cure for the venom he was injected with. He almost died. I copied former Father's actions to get inside and it still worked, surprisingly. I got in and found several assassins waiting. Mother was with them.
            "Damian. You have arrived to-" She started but I cut her off.
            "Where's Todd?" I snarled. Mother looked taken aback, but as quickly as she had lost her composure, she had regained it.
            "Alive, I assure you. I keep my promises." She said, crossing her arms and taking a step to approach me.
            "I want to see him." I snarled. The assassins went rigid and got ready to leap into action. Mother paused for a long time before nodding to an assassin, who ran off. After a moments pause, the giant door behind Mother creeped open and two assassins slipped out, carrying a man who had only his pants on. He was covered in blood and life threatening wounds. I almost couldn't see his face. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?!?" I screamed, running to him but the remaining assassins stepped in my way. I yanked out my sword and swung at one unexpectedly, cutting his forehead as he had managed to move back slightly. The others pulled out their swords and Mother held up her hand. They froze. She ushered them aside and I sheathed my sword, running to Todd and kneeling down beside him. I wiped some blood from his face and saw scratches on his eyelids. I checked for a pulse. It was barely there. "I. Will. Kill you!" I screamed, yanking my sword out and swinging at Mother. She expected it and backed away.
            "We had a deal!" She snapped and I heard Todd scream in paid as one of the assassins yanked him out and wrapped their arm around his neck in a choke hold. I stopped. Come on, Grayson, I hope you're seeing this.


Dick's POV

I the Batmobile I watched the screen that projected Damian's point of view from the small camera hidden in his domino. It was part of our plan, but what I was seeing made me so mad, but I also wanted to vomit at the same time. Jason looked horrible. Jason...
            "Let's move closer. Black Bat and Bat Girl are ready. Oracle has her computers up and has wired herself into the Assassin's database. She can see everything..." Batman said, flicking on a few switches before diving forward. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to get the image out of my head.
            "He's not dying again." I choked out, clenching my fists. Batman looked at me.
            "You're right." He paused. "He's not."

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