That Of A Leader

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Bat Girl's POV

I walked to the subway entrance. The Bat Mobile pulled up and Nightwing and Batman got out. Black Bat, Superman, Superboy, Kid Flash, The Flash, Green Lantern, and Red Robin walked up and stood behind me. We looked down into the barely lit subway. The crevices we would have to weave and travel through. The gaps that we would have to grapple a crossed. The assassins we would have to fight. Silence filled the air.

            "Well? What're we waiting for?" I asked, jumping down the stairs and taking off into a full blown sprint. I heard footsteps behind me. Let's get Jaybird back.


Oracle's POV

I shut my eyes, looking away from the screen. I wish Damian would stop looking at Jason. I hated seeing him in such a weak state. We can get him back. If we do this right, we can get him back.

            I typed frantically, hacking into the half working subway cameras. Some were scratchy and fuzzy and all you could hear was static, but the ones that did work were up and slightly clear. All I heard was dripping water from broken pipes until I heard footsteps echoing and getting closer. Bat Girl ran by. Then Black Bat, followed by Nightwing, Batman, Superman, Superboy, Green Lantern, Kid Flash, The Flash, and Red Robin. Camera 1, station 4 showed Arsenal and Starfire slipping in through an old sewer pipe, long since drained out. They met up with the long line of heroes and they all continued to make their way to the assassins secret entrance.


Robin's POV

            "This is your destiny, Damian. To rule the League as your Grandfather has for many years." Mother said, brushing her fingers against my face.

            "Heal him." I tilted my head up at her.


The group of heroes grew closer to the door, getting ready for the assassins they expected to be waiting for them outside the entrance.


            "...............As you wish." Mother sighed, waving her hand to the assassins holding Todd. They roughly dragged him away and I had to contain the impulse to rip off all of their heads and chuck them into the corner.


It was a full blown fight with the intention of man-slaughter from one side, and an objective to save a man from just that. It wasn't something you saw everyday. Well....coming from a normal civilian's point of view. From anyone else it would be almost an every day thing.

            "Get inside! He doesn't have a lot of time before they know we're here! Try and be sneaky until we are sure they know we're here. Then; go ahead and reek havoc." Bat Girl said, fighting back to back with Black Bat.


            "Why won't you just......let him go. Why did you have to hurt him?" I asked Mother. She tilted her head, eyebrow raised.

            "Why, to get as much info out of him as we could before you arrived. I have to be honest, he never cracked." Mother said, looking at the door the assassins has just dragged Todd through. I huffed. I stared at Mother before-


            "Get them!" Mother yelled. I sprang into action, launching an attack on my Mother, staff out and extended for use. She nearly dodged my swing, pulling out two knives and swinging at me. I dodged a few swings to my throat but one of the knives grazed my forearm. I saw Red Robin sprint for the door they dragged Todd through with Nightwing behind him. Probably orders from Oracle. Before anyone had time to react, gunshots went off from behind the door. Instantly Oracle was heard over com link.

            "Guys! I can't see in there! Someone get in there now!"

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