Holiday Casualities

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(This is really late, I'm sorry!)

Damian's POV

It was getting close to Halloween. I was planning on staying inside the entire time, but Grayson had begged to take me trick or treating. His claim was "We will totally get more candy if I have my adorable little brother with me! It'll look like I'm just taking you out trick or treating!" I reluctantly agreed and I was now in costume, which happened to be a skeleton, and ready to leave with my pillow case.

            "Glad to see you act like a kid." Todd smirked, walking in with a mug in his hand and his pajamas on, which consisted of a t-shirt and sweatpants. I rolled my eyes and walked to the door, opening it to reveal Grayson, hand raised to knock on the once closed door.

            "'re early. This is unusual..." I was skeptical to leave Todd's side. It could just be some scheme Bruce had come up with to  get me back at the Manor, using Grayson. I cautiously walked out the door and Grayson lead me down the walkway.


Jason's POV

I sighed, going to my room and changing into my Red Hood uniform. I know I had promised Damian that I wouldn't go out for patrol tonight, injuries still healing an' all, but I just had  to finish this case. Get it out of my hair as soon as possible, and this was the best chance.

          I walked to the window and opened it. Glancing back at the shut front door, I sighed, jumping out the window and into the cool night air.


Damian's POV

I didn't really understand this "trick or treat" thing until after the first few doors we visited. Grayson also managed to get candy, having pulled the "taking my younger brother out for the holiday" act. It worked better than I expected.

            "How has living with Jason been? I know he annoys you and all but-"

            "Not bad. Nice actually. Better than anything Father could've done." I spat, walking a little faster.

            "Now Damian, you know Bruce-"Grayson tried to reason but I was not going to listen. I'd rather hear it from the man himself then from his messenger.

             "Yeah, that's why he slapped me and kicked me out. He's real sorry." I growled, trying to walk ahead of Grayson.

            Grayson sighed. "Ok. Fine. One last house and then I'll take you h- back to Jason's."

            "You can say "home." It's more of a home than the Manor-"

            "Stooooop!" Grayson groaned, having heard enough of my hatred towards Father and everything to do with him.

            We walked back to the safe house and when I opened the door, the place was trashed, things thrown everywhere and weapons strewn a crossed the room.

            "Todd?" I said, wondering if he was here. I heard a groan come from the kitchen. I ran in, yelling. "Todd! Are y-" I stopped when I saw a member of the League Of Shadows on the grounds, bleeding out and groaning in pain. My face twisted to an angry expression and I hoisted the assassin up by his shirt and slammed on the counter. He grunted in pain, too surprised and taken aback to yell.

            "Where's Todd!?" I demanded. The assassin laughed. I slammed him against the countertop and he yelped.

             "I'm not telling." Was all the assassin had to say before I snapped his neck, letting him fall to the floor in a lifeless heap. I turned around and Grayson stared at me in shock and concern. He quickly recovered his composure and his expression turned to that of anger and determination.

          "We'll get him back." Was all he said before exiting the room.

Yeah. We will.


I had accidentally published this chapter before I was done so if any of you had read a very short chapter, well that's why, heh heh. Sorry.....

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