Chapter Seventeen

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  Today is December twenty-fifth. Christmas day which means I only have a few more days to deal with my mom and Todd. Mom has grown more and more cold towards me since the day at the beach. We haven't been talking at all and if she does its scolding me for something stupid. Just then Charlie came running and jumped on mine and Denis's bed.
    "Come on, get up you two. Its Christmas!"
She yells, bouncing on the bed.
  Denis groans and buries his face into my neck.
    "Do I have to get up?"
He whines.
  I giggle and roll over.
I say.
  He opens one eye. He then throws the blanket off of himself and pulls on one of his random sweaters. I giggle. He always slept in just pajama pants. We walk downstairs hand in hand. The rest are gathered around the Christmas tree as Charlie opens her gifts. We had gotten them all something as well. For my mom, I got her some new UGG boots and a couple of gift cards, for Bridget new UGGs as well, for Charlie we got a poster signed by Five Seconds Of Summer her favorite band, for Ryan a couple of tickets to see his favorite NFL team, for Carley a heart necklace with hers and Ryan's name engraved, and then for the baby we got a little dress that Denis thought was cute. For Denis I had gotten an antique looking key and it had a little tag that read, 'key to my heart', some new band tees, a couple of different random bracelets, and I also got a few new beanies and snapback since he tends to like them so well. I then as a joke of course got a short reading, 'I prefer the photographer' and it had a camera underneath. I found it funny. We say on the edge of the carpet and Denis tangled his fingers with mine. We were just the awkward ones while my family was being a family. Once everyone had opened presents, Denis got up and handed everyone the ones that we had gotten them. They all smiled and thanked me, except for my mom of course. She refers to talk to me. Then me and Denis exchanged gifts. He got me a couple of band tees, a shirt reading 'I prefer the singer' with a microphone at the bottom which made me laugh, and other little odds and ins. I waited to give him his necklace. I reached behind me the same time that he reached behind himself. We handed them to each other at the same time. I opened it and it was a heart necklace with a key and the heart read, 'You hold the key to my heart'. My eyes teared up a little. Denis looked at me and then threw his arms around me. I smiled and hugged back.
    "Thank you so much."
I whisper.
    "You're welcome baby girl. I like your gift as well."
He says.
  He helps me put the necklace on and it rests over my heart. I smile and gently touch it. Denis then clips his necklace behind his head. His too resting above his heart. He gently pecks my lips. I smile. With the opening of presents, the house was bombarded with the smells of my mother preparing Christmas dinner. I sighed, she always cooked stuff that I didn't eat. Denis came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
    "Hey, baby girl."
He says with a smile.
I say, quietly.
    "What's wrong?"
He asks.
    "I'm just kind of ready to get back on tour again. I actually miss the boys."
I say.
  He nodds.
    "I miss waking up and trying to keep Ben from pouring alcohol into the pancake mix."
He says.
  I giggle.
    "That was a pretty funny morning. Although, I kind of wish you guys could keep it down so that I could have slept."
I say.
  He chuckles and pecks my lips. I pull out of his arms and walk into the living room where Ryan, Bridget, Carley, and Charlie were watching some Christmas movie. I plopped down on the couch and Denis soon plopped down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me and states at the tv intently. I watched his face. I could stare at him all day long. He is absolutely gorgeous. He smiles and looks down at me when he notices that I am staring at him.
    "Enjoying the view there love?"
He asks with a smirk.
  I blush and hid my red cheeks into his chest. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. I gently play with the necklace that I got him that lays with his other two necklaces he usually wears. I smile, because I know that this beautiful man has truly stolen my heart and there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it. After a few Christmas movies the rest of my family starts pouring in. The judgemental ones that is. They all turned their noses up at Denis and didn't allow me to introduce him to them. I bit my lip and took Denis's hand and lead him to the living room. I had to get away from the judgemental stares. I felt tears prick my eyes. A lone year trickled down my face and Denis gently wiped it away.
    "Don't worry, baby girl. We leave tomorrow and we are going to Ben's apartment to stay until tour starts again. You only have to survive one more day. Keep your head up and don't let them are you cry."
He says.
  I smile and nodd. Me and Denis go back to the dining room and fix our plates. I realize there is nowhere to sit so I pull Denis out to sit with me on the front porch. We ate in a comfortable silence.
    "Are you okay?"
Denis asks.
  I shrugged.
    "I honestly don't know. Seeing how cold they are, it hurts Denis. Those people in there at one point in time would do anything for me and now they won't even look at me in the face and Bridget and Ryan are starting to become the same way."
I say.
  I put my half finished plate to the side and wrapped my arms around myself. I just watched the wind blow through the trees.
  The entire day everyone completely ignored me and when I tried to speak up they would talk over me. I'm just glad that everyone has left and I can sleep. I walk upstairs and flip facewords into my bed. Denis rubbed my back.
    "You'll make it through, baby girl."
He says.
  I get up and change into one of his old ripped band tees and a pair of my leggings and snuggled into him. He wrapped his arms around me and bummed a gentle tune that lulled me off to sleep.

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