Chapter Twenty-two

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*four months later*
  We are on the last tour date of Warped and everybody is miserable. We decided to go catch a show and didn't wear any sunblock and now we are all sunburnt. We are in Oregon today and then me and Denis are going back to my apartment in California. We are going to stay there until they have to go back to recording again of course. Then we will be staying in the house of the person that records their music. Denis rolled over and faced me in the bunk. He smiled and gently brushed my bangs away from my face.
    "So last day of Warped. Then we get to go record. You excited?"
I ask.
  He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his chest.
    "Yeah, I'm really excited to start working on some new music for the fans. They deserve it. They have been so supportive in the past few months and it's crazy."
He says.
  I smile and press a kiss to his jaw.
    "Yeah, they have also been pretty supportive of our relationship as well. They love when they see me at shows. They like scream at me and stuff."
I say.
  With that me and Denis roll easily out of the bunks to avoid hitting our sunburns too much. He winced slightly as he stretched his arms above his head.
    "Come on and I'll run some aloe on your shoulders."
I say.
  We walk into the kitchenet area and I grab the aloe from the refrigerator. I make Denis lie on his stomach across the couch. He groans softly when the lotion hits his skin.
    "Let me know if I am hurting you."
I say, as I sit on his lower back rubbing in the sticky aloe lotion.
    "You are fine. You just don't realize how much of a relief this is. My skin has been burning all morning. I could barely sleep last night."
He says, with a sigh.
  I giggle slightly and continue rubbing the lotion into his skin. Once I was finished, he sat up and sighed.
    "Thank you. That feels so much better baby girl. You have no idea. I really hope that this sunburn heals really quickly."
He says.
    "Well, if you let me continue to put the aloe on it like I do the other boys then it will heal pretty fast."
I say.
  He sighs and rests his head on my shoulder. I can tell that he is tired from staying out in the sun all day yesterday and the sunburn also doesn't help either of us. I toss Denis the bottle. He chuckles and moved my hair from around my shoulders. I sigh when the cool lotion touches my shoulders. He then gently rubs it in. I smile and gently peck his lips when he is finished. The rest of the boys stumble in with messy hair a little while late. Ben groans as he stretches.
    "Why didn't we think about wearing sunblock yesterday before going out to catch some shows?"
He complained.
  I laughed.
    "Come here you grump."
I say, patting the floor in front of me with my foot.
  He comes and sits in front of me and I rub the aloe lotion into his sunburnt shoulders. I finished and went to wash the lotion from my hands. Denis came and wrapped his arms around my skinny waist. He then pressed a kiss to my cheek. I giggled. I went back and the the Sam, Cam, and James were applying aloe to their sunburns. Me and Denis walked back out and plopped down on the sofa.
    "What time do we play today?"
Ben asks, drinking water from the water that me and Denis had bought each of them a bottle of.
    "I think at two-thirty."
I say.
  I make sure both of my camera batteries are charged and I have an extra memory card laid out just in case.
    "Do we have a signing today?"
James asked.
    "I think it is after the show."
Ben says.
  I sigh. I love the boys fans and all, but honestly I'm ready to see a normal bed and to see an actual house or apartment. We will all be heading to South Carolina after this so the boys can start recording their next album. We hang out watching random pointless tv shows on the tv until the stage manager announces that it is time for the boys to go get ready for the show. They are already dressed, and we head out to help the stage crew set up the stage. I then help the boys get hooked up to their equipment. The stage manager and crew rushes the boys out to where they would wait for their cue to go onstage. Denis presses a chaste kiss to my lips. I grin and hand him his mic. I am then lead to my spot where I will be shooting for the day. The fans yell and scream when they see me. I place my camera around my neck and give a couple of them high-fives as I come through. I then hug a few as well and blow kisses. I am then situated into my spot for pictures today and I wait patiently with the fans for the boys to come out. I bobbed my head to the enterance music that they had playing for the boys to finish up getting ready. As soon as it was over, the boys ran out onto the stage. He pumped his fist into the air.
    "What's up Oregon?! So today is the last day of Warped. Can you believe it? It doesn't seem like Warped should be over just yet, but it is. For those who don't know, after we get done here we are going to go to South Carolina and we are going to start working on our next album for you guys. We don't know exactly when it is going to be done, but we are going to try and get it to you guys before the new year. It really depends on how fast it takes us to record the record to be honest with you guys."
He said with a chuckle.
  The entire crowd went wild. The show then went on. It was honestly one of their best shows of the entire tour. I even slightly moshed while I took pictures. When Denis noticed he smiled and shook his head lightly. I grinned and blew him a kiss. He pretended to shove it into his pocket. Eventually the show came to an and with 'The Final Episode' and 'The Black' being their last two songs. The boys all came and lined up in the front of the stage and took a big bow. I smiled and the stage crew lead me back stage after a few more pics of the crowd. They wanted me out of there before the fans started heading back for the signing. Denis immediately found me and tangled his fingers into mine. I pecked his lips and he smiled.
    "Hey baby girl, did you enjoy the show?"
He asks.
    "Yeah, I like to let loose sometimes."
I say.
  He chuckles and I stick my tongue out at him. We finally manage to get back to the bus and the boys all shower, Denis as always being the last one. He comes out as normal toweling off his hair. I giggle and he plops down on the sofa next to me. We all sit around until the stage manage runs us off to the area where the signing would be held. The boys got sat behind the table as normal and the stage crew and body guards opened the guard. The crowd came rushing in. I took a few pictures here and there and even took a few with the fans and signed a few autographs as well. Nearing the end of the signing you could tell that the boys were getting tired. I want over and sat in Denis's lap. He smiled and reached around me to sign the poster that was set in front of him. The fan that was in front of us didn't look to happy. She looked jealous.
    "I'm going to go get a water."
I say, pecking Denis on the cheek.
    "Okay baby girl, be careful. Take your pass with you as well."
He says.
  I grab my pass from the merch storage container lid and pull it over my head. I walk towards the vendor when I feel someone grab my arm and push me against a bus. It was the fan from earlier.
    "You think you are something special don't you? You think you have Denis wrapped around your finger. Here's a news flash, he's just using you. Keeping you around for his own personal pleasure. I bet he hasn't even told you that he loves you."
She spits.
  My heart drops. We hadn't said I love you, but it shouldn't matter. She then hit me in the lip and I felt blood begin to travel from the split in it. I winced and hit her in the cheekbone trying to get her to backoff. She didn't and hit me in the nose. I immediately felt blood start to trickle down from that. I whimpered and threw my head forward into hers hitting her nose as well. She clutched her nose and gasped.
    "You bitch!"
She screamed.
  She then threw me to the ground and kicked me in the side a couple of times before someone from security ran over and pulled her off of me. They helped me up.
    "Are you okay? Do you need any medical attention?"
They ask.
  I shake my head no and wipe the blood that is trickling from my nose on the end of my black tshirt. I sigh and walk well, limp back to the boys. Denis immediately rushes to my side when he takes in my apperance.
    "What happened, baby girl?"
He askes, taking his shirt off and holding it to my bleeding nose.
    "That jealous fan that glared at me earlier cornered me as soon as I got out of sight."
I say, wincing slightly when he rearranges the tshirt.
  He then picks me up bridal style. He turns to the body guard.
    "I have to get her back to the bus and get her cleaned up and make sure that her nose isn't broken. Tell the fans that I am very sorry."
He says.
  The body guard nodds and Denis quickly starts walking towards the bus with me in his arms. He carries me into the bathroom and gets a washcloth. He reaches around me and dampens it. He then gently tries to wash the dried blood from my face. I wince slightly when he gets to my busted lip.
    "I know baby girl, I know. I'm trying to be gentle but this isn't the easiest thing to do."
He says.
  I nodd. He then finishs up. He then tilts my face up towards the light so he can look at it better.
    "I don't think it's broken. Did she hit you anywhere else?"
He asked.
    "She kicked me a few times in the ribs, but they don't really hurt. She was pulled off of me before she could do very much damage."
I say.
  He nodds and presses a kiss onto my forehead. He then goes to the bunk area and comes back a few seconds later with one of his t-shirts and a pair of my yoga shorts. I smile.
I say.
    "No problem. We can watch Netflix in my bunk until we fall asleep."
He says.
    "Sounds cool."
I say.
  I then run him out of the bathroom so that I can change. He chuckles and closed the door behind him. I changed and then went to his bunk. I climbed inside and he was waiting in a pair of gym shorts and his laptop. I cuddled into his side with my head on his chest and he let the laptop rest on our legs and we watched random movies until we drifted off to sleep.

I Will Try To Fix You(Denis Stoff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin