Chapter Eleven: Awkwardness

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  I woke the next morning to whispering.

   "Aww... you have to take a picture, it's too adorable to pass up!"

 Ben exclaimed.

  I groaned and turned to look at them.

   "Great! Good going Ben! You woke them up!"

 Cam said.

   "Would you mind keeping it down. I am trying to sleep."

 I complained.

   "But you are so cute!"

 Ben said, sounding like one of our fans.

  I sighed.

   "You are going to wake Taylor up. You can fangirl later."

 I said, rolling over.

 Taylor cuddled farther into me, tangling her legs in mine, and burying her face in my neck. She breathed deeply and her breath on my neck caused me to shiver. I got goose bumps. I pulled her closer and buried my face in her neck. Eventually the sound of her even breathing put me back to sleep.



  I woke up tangled up in Denis. His head was laying on my stomach and his arms around my waist, legs tangled in mine. I sighed, I didn't really want to wake him, but I really needed to go to the bathroom. I gently nudged him. He groaned and snuggled me tighter.

   "Denis, I need to go to the bathroom."

 I whined.

  He sighed and unwrapped himself from me. I climbed out of the bunk and walked to the bathroom. I did my business and walked into the living room.

   "Did you sleep well?"

 Ben asked, smirking.

  I blushed.

   "Leave it alone, Bruce."

 I muttered, grabbing a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

   "Hey, I'm just saying. You two looked adorable. All cuddled up. You two were almost kissing at one point."

 He said.

   "Buzz off. You know we have both been having a hard time."

 I said.

  He chuckled.

   "I know, but you better hope I don't ever need to blackmail you guys, I have tons of blackmail stuff."

 He said.

  I flipped him off and then pulled my phone out checking my social media. A little while later, Denis came in and rested his head on my shoulder.

   "What's wrong?"

 I asked, playing with his hair.

   "I have a migraine."

 He whispered.

   "Go lay down. I have some headache medicine in my bag."

 I said.

  He got up and trudged to his bunk. He climbed inside. I went and grabbed some Excedrin migraine medicine and a bottle of water. I wet a cloth as well. I went back to his bunk. I handed him the medicine. He took it. I then wrapped the cool cloth around his neck. He laid down, closing his eyes.

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