Chapter Ten: Fix You

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*One month later*


It's been a month since Ryan woke up and everything is going well. My mom, Bridget, and Carly have kept me well updated on everything. Me and the boys are getting closer, especially me and Denis. The boys keep teasing me about him liking me, but I don't think he does. I jumped out of my thoughts when my bunk curtain was yanked open. I looked and it was Ben.

"What's up?"

I asked.

"I was just wondering what you were up to. You seemed mad last night when you went to bed, I just wanted to make sure you weren't mad or anything."

He said.

"No, I'm not mad. You lot were just getting on my nerves after a while and I was starting to get a migraine."

I said.

"Oh, and you're mom called. She said to tell you that Ryan was released from the hospital this morning and that he was fine. His ribs are still messed up, but other than that he is completely healed and he had an honorable discharge from the army."

He said.

"You could have woken me up and I would have answered the phone."

I said.

"I didn't want to disturb you."

He said.

I sighed and rolled out of my bunk. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a ratty t-shirt. I walked to the bathroom and changed and noticed I was wearing my old AC/DC shirt. I ran a comb through my wavy hair and brushed my teeth. I then walked back out to the living room area of the bus. The boys were all sitting on the couch messing around with their phones. I grabbed my phone off of the table and hit the home button. It lite up and I noticed I had a message from Maria, one of my friends from high school. I opened it.

'Hey girl, I just wanted to text you and tell you that I am getting married this summer and I wanted to invite you to be one of my bridesmaids if you weren't going to be busy. It is going to be on July 15th.'

I sighed. I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it, because life is super crazy right now. I'll have to see when we get our week off. Maybe it will be around that time so that I can make it. I then sat in the recliner and got on Instagram. The first thing I noticed was a picture my brother posted of him and Carly. His hands rested on her swollen tummy.

'Can't wait for this little bundle of joy to get here! Four more months and another Matthews will be in this world!'

I smiled. My brother is going to be the best father to that little girl. I just hope that this girl doesn't break him like the last one did. Maybe she will treat him well. You can tell that this girl and that baby mean the world to him. I sighed. I wish I could just be happy like everyone else. I jumped when someone's phone started ringing from across the room. I looked up as Denis's face dropped. He took a deep breath before standing up and walking out of the room. I bit my lip. He looked like he was about to cry. A few minutes later he came back with tears streaking down his cheeks. The boys immediately asked what was wrong. He sighed.

"That was my ex girlfriend, Darcy. Not the one that I told you guys about, the most recent one I mean. She wants to get back with me, she claims now she had the baby was mine the entire time. That she lied about it not being my baby. I told her as soon as I could I wanted a dna test, but I wasn't going to come back to her."

He said, rubbing at his eyes.

He sat on the couch and ran his hands through his hair.

"I don't know what to do, what if that baby is mine?"

I Will Try To Fix You(Denis Stoff)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora