Chapter Four: Lazy Day With Denis

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  I woke the next morning to complete silence. I guess the guys were still asleep. I don't blame them, they rock hard on stage. They have the most energy on stage than any concert I have ever been to. Their stage presence has also improved. I went to a concert back when Danny was still in the band, and you can tell that the guys had so much more fun now that Denis is in the band. I walked to the living room in my pajamas which consisted of an over sized T-shirt and leggings and sat on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, keeping the volume low because the boys are still asleep. I think that they get a day off in between each show because it usually takes a while to get to the next venue. They need breaks though so they can catch up on their sleep. They aren't machines and they can't run like a machine. They will physically make themselves sick with all of the stress they would be put under. After about two to three episodes of Ink Masters, Denis shuffled in, his hair messy and plaid pajama bottoms clung to his lower half, no shirt. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water from inside. He then came and sat beside me.
   "Good morning, love."
He said.
   "Good morning, Denis."
I said.
   "So what are you up to today?"
He asked.
  I shrugged.
   "Jason will probably give me the password and user name I need and I'll start working on posting pictures and editing a few here and there."
I said.
   "We should just hang out today. You can post the pictures tomorrow before the meet and greet. We can watch films and eat whatever candy and popcorn we have in the cabinets. Get to know each other a little better."
He said.
   "I don't know. I don't want to get in trouble with Jason."
I said.
   "I'll talk to him when he gets up. Come on. We can hang out in the bunks all day in pajamas and watch pointless films all day."
He said.
  I sighed. He was really persistent.
   "You're talking to Jason."
I said.
  He cheered and ran off to find Jason. A few minutes later, he came running back in with a huge grin on his face.
   "He said it was okay! We get to watch pointless films and eat all of the candy in the cabinets and drink soda!"
He exclaimed.
  I chuckled and shook my head. He then latched onto my arm and pulled me towards the bunks.
   "Calm down! I can walk!"
I said.
  He laughed and let go of my arm. We went to his bunk and he pulled out his laptop and a sack of random movies. He then walked to the kitchenette area I assume to grab the candy, soda, and make popcorn. He came back with both arms filled with cans of soda, candy, and a huge bowl of popcorn. He soon turned on his laptop and typed in the password. It popped up to a picture of him with his entire family. I looked down. I wish I could say mine was the same. Mine is a collage of some different photoshoots I have done in the past year. He then looked through the stack of movies. He pulled out one.
   "Hope you can handle scary movies."
He said.
  I bite my lip, scary movies aren't really my thing. About twenty minutes into the movie I was burying my face into Denis's side and he was laughing at me.
   "Its not funny!"
I muttered, lightly hitting his side.
  He just shook his head and took another sour patch kid from the pack in my hand. He then started to watch the movie again. I sighed and watched it as well, jumping and burying my face into his side every time something happened. By the end of the movie, Denis was laughing his head off at my reactions.
   "You don't like scary movies do you?"
He asked.
   "What made it obvious? The fact I kept jumping or the fact where I hid in your side most of the time?"
I asked, sarcastically.
  He chuckled and handed me a stack of movies.
   "You pick."
He said.
  I looked through the movies until I found the first Fast & Furious movie. I handed it to him. He smiled.
   "You like these movies too?"
He asked.
   "Yeah. I have a thing for cars."
I said.
  He chuckled and put it in. A few minutes later the movie had started. I had stayed in my current position, cuddled into his side. He had wrapped his arm around me, and rested his head on top of mine. We both focused hard on the movie so we both jumped when someone started talking.
   "There you two are, we have been looking for you guys."
Ben said.
   "We have been watching some films and eating popcorn and candy."
Denis said shrugging.
   "And you didn't invite me?"
He pouted.
   "You weren't awake and besides I don't think there is enough room for three in one bunk."
Denis said.
Ben then climbed in and landed partly on me and partly on Denis.
   "There's always enough room."
He said.
  Denis laughed and unpaused the movie. We watched a couple of more movies before we had run out of candy, soda, and popcorn. Soon enough Ben and Denis got bored and went into the living room. I cleared all of the soda cans and candy wrappers out of Denis's bunk. I took them with me to the living room where I then threw them into the bin. I then flopped down on the couch in between Denis and Ben. Then Denis decided to lay over and rest his head on my shoulder. I sighed.
   "Are you comfortable?"
I asked.
  He looked up.
He said.
  I laughed and shook my head. He just continued to lay his head on my shoulder and play on his phone. We all looked up as Jason and the rest of the guys walked into the room. I assumed the boys had just woke up and Jason had been in the bunk area.
   "We should be stopping soon to have dinner with the guys that will be touring with you. They'll pick up from here. They would have made the first date but the guitarist was sick."
He said.
Denis said, looking up from his phone.
  Ben soon turned the TV on and put on Ink Masters.
   "Ooo, I love this show.."
I said.
  Ben chuckled.
   "How come you don't have any tattoos, love?"
He asked.
   "I don't know, I just haven't gotten around to it yet."
I said.
   "Do you know what you want yet?"
He asked.
   "I have a few things in mind, but I haven't decided yet. I want to get something to cover my scars though. I mostly try to cover them with cover up, but it gets annoying after a while."
I said.
  Ben nodded.
   "We could carry you to one of the places that me and the mates got ours done at. Sometimes they'll come out to the bus. Its up to you though. They usually have pictures of last jobs that and they can also help you design what you want."
He said.
   "Well, I don't want like something huge. Just something to cover up the worst of the scars. They are only closer to my hand so like some sort of song lyric or quote would probably be just fine."
I said.
  Then Denis spoke up.
   "You could get I won't on one wrist and give in on the other that way it would read I won't give in."
He said.
  I nodded. It was actually a good idea. I actually really enjoyed that song. I smiled.
   "That is actually a really good idea. I like it. I'll definitely keep that in mind."
I said.
  He smiled and nodded.
   "It just seemed like something cool to do. Besides you have to support your band you are working for."
He said.
  I laughed and shook my head. We then carried on watching Ink Masters. I then decided to go and get my sketch book. I sketched out a picture of two scarred wrists and then in fancy cursive writing I drew out 'I Won't Give In ~AA' I decided to add the 'AA' at the end to give the boys the credit for the song title.
   "That's really good, love."
I jumped when Ben said this. He chuckled.
   "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to scare you."
He said.
   "Its okay, and thanks. Drawing is kind of my second talent. Photography was more of my thing though."
I said shrugging.
   "May I?"
He gestured to my sketch book.
  I nodded. He took it from my hands and flipped through the pages. He stopped on one of a crying angel, resting on a gravestone.
   "What's the story behind this one?"
He asked.
   "I drew that back when my father passed away. It kind of represents it doesn't matter who you are, you are still going to feel pain. You are still going to cry sometime in your life."
I said.
  He nodded and continued to look through the book. When he was finished, Denis then looked through it. When he was finished he handed it back to me.
   "Those are amazing, love."
He said.
  I smiled.
   "Thanks. My family always said it was a worthless talent as for my photography stuff. They said I would never go anywhere in life with my chosen profession. They said it was a complete waste of time and money. They wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer or some stupid crap like that."
I said.
   "I've looked at your older photography stuff, it was amazing. It is not a worthless talent. I mean, look where you are right now."
Denis said.
   "I'm more of the black sheep of the family. They tend to prefer my older brother and younger sister over me. I'm not quite sure as to why, but they would rather help them out over me. Like when my niece was diagnosed with cancer, my mom paid for her entire treatment. Yet when I lost my baby, I had to pay for the surgery. I had to pay for her funeral and my fiancée's funeral as well. She didn't even attend either of them. No one from my family was there. My best friend was there to comfort me. My mom didn't even call. I haven't seen anyone in my family in almost three years."
I said.
  Denis and Ben gently rubbed my back.
   "Why don't you try to work things out with them, love?"
Ben asked.
   "Because, they don't want to talk to me. When I left they all disowned me other than my older brother. He still Skype's and talks to me. Sometimes he'll come and visit when he can."
I said.
   "Why don't you ever just go and visit them?"
Denis asked.
   "Because they wouldn't even let me in. They would laugh in my face and slam the door. My niece doesn't even know who I am. The last time I saw her she was a year old. The only way I see her is if someone posts a picture of instagram out of my family from North Carolina that still can stand the sight or sound of my name."
I said.
   "One day they are going to regret not speaking to you for all this time. One day they are going to be in Calfornia and they are going to need someone to talk to, a place to stay, or their car broke down and they are going to realize that they can't call you, because they don't have your number or your address."
Ben said.

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