Chapter Twenty-three

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*three months later*
  The boys have been working on the album since the beginning of August and it is now November. Its actually nearing mine and Denis's one year anniversary and I don't know if he even remembers. He's been so busy with the album and has been so stressed that we have been fighting alot lately. We had gotten a small apartment here in South Carolina and here lately he has been sleeping on the couch. I couldn't believe that our relationship was falling apart like this. We used to have a strong relationship and now it is literally crumbling around my feet. I sighed and wiped another tear from my face as I looked at the test in my hands. I don't know how to tell him. It was an accident and we definitely did not plan this. I looked up as I heard the door to our apartment open. I shoved the test into the box and hid it in my purse. He never goes into my purse for anything. I then put my purse on my side by the bed. I walked into the kitchen where Denis was pulling off his shoes.
    "How was the studio?"
I ask, like I normally do everyday.
  He shruggs.
    "It was the normal."
He says.
  He then walks to the refrigerator and pulls out a beer. I sigh.
    "Do you want something to eat?"
I ask, leaning against the doorframe.
    "I just got home! Can you not pesture me with all of these questions?! When I get hungry I'll let you know!"
He shouts.
  I felt tears well in my eyes and I walked back to our bedroom. I then grabbed my phone. I had a text from Ben.
    'Did Denis make it home from the studio okay? He had a few beers and we tried to get him to stay here, but he wouldn't. He nearly punched me and Sam in the face when we tried to get him to stay here.'
  I sigh and begin to type a message back.
    'Yeah, he made it here okay and he's drinking as normal. I don't know what is going on lately, but I don't know how much longer I can handle this before I go back to California.'
  I blinked and the tears that blurred my vision rushed down my face. My phone started ringing from where I had placed it on the bed. I walked to the bathroom with it in my hand. I answered it and put it on speaker as I cleaned the makeup from my face. I made sure that the door was locked as well.
    "What do you mean he is drinking now as well?"
Ben asked.
    "As in he came in took off his shoes and got a beer from the fridge. He screamed at me when I asked him if he wanted dinner so I came up to the bedroom. He's been sleeping on the couch."
I say, sniffling and throwing the makeup wipe away.
    "Why haven't you said anything sooner, Taylor? This needs to be stopped. You guys have been together for almost a year and you can't let a relationship like that slip away. You guys love each other."
He says.
    "I know Ben, but there's nothing I can do. I don't really want to leave him because I don't want him to hurt himself."
I say, quietly.
  Ben sighed through the phone.
    "Just be careful around him. We'll try and talk things out with him. We'll try to get him to see what he is doing to you. He has to. I mean you have a week until your one year anniversary and I can't let him ruin it."
Ben says.
  I sigh and run a hand through my hair.
    "To be honest with you Ben, I don't even think he remembers. He hasn't even mentioned it."
I say.
    "Taylor, just please try and work things out. Me and the guys are going to try and talk to him tomorrow at the studio. I'll make sure that he remembers. You go get some rest, it's late. Don't worry about dinner, if he wants something he can fix something himself. To be honest, he will probably passout here in the next little while."
He says.
    "Okay. I'll give him until next week and then I'm done trying. Its been like this since you started the album."
I say.
    "Okay, Taylor. We won't let you down."
He says.
  He then hangs up. I go and unlock the door and get one of Denis's tshirts. I change into it and climb into the bed. I fall into a lite sleep, missing Denis's arms around me.
I know Denis isn't really like this, it is for the story line.

I Will Try To Fix You(Denis Stoff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora