Chapter Twelve: First Date

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I woke the next morning to pots and pans being banged around. I shuffled out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Ben and Samantha were making breakfast while Denis was drinking coffee.

"Good morning sleeping beauty."

Denis said.

"Very funny."

I muttered, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

Ben chuckled and handed me a plate with pancakes and bacon on it.

"Thank you."

I said.

"You're welcome."

He said.

I sighed and sat at the counter beside Denis.

"You sleep alright?"

Denis asked.

"Eh, I slept better than I normally do when we are on the tour bus if that's what you are asking."

I said.

He chuckled.

"Well, I should hope you slept better than what you do when we are on the tour bus."

He said.

I finished eating and carried my plate into the kitchen washing it up with the dish water that was in the sink.

"You ready for your date tonight?"

Samantha asked.

I sighed.

"I'm nervous. What if I screw up?"

I asked.

"Just be yourself. I mean he asked you out for a reason, you've always been yourself around him. You showed him who you are."

She said.

"Maybe. What if I fall or something?"

I asked, nervously.

"Stop freaking out. Everything is going to be okay."

She said.

"What do I even wear?"

I asked.

"I'm sure a dress, but I'm not sure. I'll ask Ben where Denis is taking you later and we can go from there."

She said.

"Hopefully it's nowhere really fancy, because I didn't really anything fancy. I don't even know if I have a dress."

I said.

"You know what? I need to go get some new sandals, how about we go to the mall and find something?"

She said.

I sighed. I really don't care for shopping, but if it makes her happy I guess I can deal.

"Okay. Fine."


She squealed, clapping her hands together.

She then ran into Ben and her bedroom. She came back a few minutes later.

"Okay so a casual dress will do the justice. We have to find something totally cute though. We can't just find something plan."

She said.

I sighed, I have a feeling that I am in for a very long day. I have a feeling that she is going to get her way, one way or another. She dragged me out to her car and we were soon on our way to town.

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