Serving the Royal Family - Chapter 1

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it was one of those long Mornings , you where cleaning the chambers of Princess Azula.  you found Azula terrifying.  she was one no one should mess with even when serving her you do something wrong she is dangerous.  you where on the duty to clean her room, no other servant wanted to, you where willing to.

You had cleaned the bed to the dresser and wardrobe.  all that was left to do was clean the floor.  the rag was wet and Ringed out in to the bucket as you continued to clean the floor.  not to long foot steps came to the door and the door swung open with a loud thud.  

it made you slightly jump to look round seeing Azula standing with a unhappy face. you turned to face her bowing on the floor. " Princess Azula....i was ordered clean your room"

" I know Servant. Once you are done......My father wishes for his breakfast soon" Azula crossed her arms before turning to leave letting you finish your work.  something about her was scary, she was like she was waiting for you to make a mistake.

After Cleaning the Room, you hurried to collect the Fire Lords Breakfast to take it to his side,  He was sat in his war room on the throne sitting crossed legged.  Ozai sat their looking in patient as you placed the tray in front of him, then to bow.

" You are late." Ozai said with a cold expression, he had his hands together, he didnt look at you directly he looked at you by the corner of his eye as you poured his tea.

" Forgive me Fire Lord Ozai, i was sent to clean princess Azula's one was willing so i offered" You said keeping your eye contact to what your task was.

" i see....." Ozai seemed less cold as he knew if you messed up Azula would take care of you

Ozai Dismissed you as you got up and bowed before leaving, Fire Lord Ozai was one to never mess with, you only poke to him when he asked something, you did not want to anger him or you would loose your life. 

 you wished for the old days being only 8 or so,  when Zuko was around and his mother to.  it was so nice before being able to play with Tai Lee and Mai with Azula, being just kids.  it was so long ago it was hard to remember the good days.

As the day went on you see Azula come over as you where cleaning the halls, she Stood right in front of you crossing her Arms " Servant, what is your name again"  she had forgotten your name even know you where close before

" my names Nami, Princess Azula" you looked to her bowing 

" i am Leaving to Find my Uncle, and you know my brother.  i want to take someone i can trust, You Nami.  we where friends long ago as kids" Azula looked you over slightly

" Want me to accompany you Princess Azula " You looked up at her slightly to see her nodding, She still had her normal expression on her face looking at you

 ----------  A While later --------

After travelling by sea for so long you both had stopped, you where in your small room just sitting alone, Azula wanted you to be up on deck soon, so it gave you some time to rest.  you had been training on the ship every night when Azula had returned to her quarters.

You began to change in to Fire nation clothing and left your normal clothing in the room, Everyone knew that you where a water bender.  Azula and Ozai had kept you as a servant because you where broken down as a child and where afraid of them.

You got to the Top deck standing waiting for Azula.  She came out in a Palin King with four Servants carrying her, they stopped just beside you placing the Palin King down and the two front men opened the curtains and Azula got out.  the Guard in front of us both bowed when Azula was here and she waved them off to make them stand up.

" My Brother and my Uncle have disgraced the Fire Lord and brought shame, on all of us. " she walked down the ship between the two lines of men as I followed behind. " You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the royal family, i understand.  but I assure you, if you hesitate, i will not hesitate to bring you down.   Dismissed "

you watched tall the men began to run off as one who had different attire came over, he looked to be the helms men or something that helps guide the ship

" Princess, im afraid that the tides will not allow us to bring the ship in to port before nightfall" he said standing to attention looking at you then Azula as she turned to look at him

" I'm sorry captain, but i do not know much of the tides, Can you explain something to me" Azula only looked at him slightly then turned to walk to the side

" Of course Yuour Highness" 

"Do the tides comand this ship"

" im afraid i do not understand"

" you said the tides will not allow us to bring the ship in.   do the Tides command this ship"

"No Princess"

he and the Princess talk for a moment longer before her hurried off, Azula looked to you. seeming to smile evilly. 

" we will be going ashore soon, be ready....i will need you for this mission"  she placed her hands on your shoulder's as it made you jump

" Y..Yes Princess Azula" you bowed your head ever so slightly at her

" we need them to believe that my father wants them home, you must help me do this, ..........and please just use Azula for now" Azula said in a semi-nice tone 

Azula let your shoulders go as you nodded in agreement, she liked to see you being so submissive.  you where like a pet being ordered by a master to listen to her.  Azula then turned walk off as you followed her once again.

You where going to see Zuko and Iroh, you liked Iroh even when being a servent and tending to his needs.  he was always so nice even if you made mistakes he would go on to talk about a proverb about making mistakes was ok.  you where happy to go see them again but thought of how Zuko looked and had changed in the years you had seen him.

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