Daddy of the Month... Father/Daughter Bonding

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"Gala!" He pushed the blanket down from his face and stared up at them with wide eyes. "She's going to kill me. I poured my tea on her book."

"Fyodor!" Gala shouted.

"Save me." The little kid rolled closer to Andres which surprised him and he had to look up at Vlad.

Surprisingly, Vlad didn't look annoyed and only smiled. He ruffled Fyo's hair then said to him, "I will talk to her."

He nodded then cuddled closer to Andres.

Andres felt his heart warm at the sight on the kid clinging to waist. He leaned down to kiss his forehead then winked at Vlad when he saw him redden slightly.

"You might as well do the task today with Gala."

Really? The Russian mouthed but Andres stopped paying him any attention and whispered to Fyo so Vladimir wouldn't hear. 

"Do you want to go out with me to get Gala and Vlad's Christmas' presents?"

"What about mine, papa?"

"Vlad's already got yours. He's about to wrap it."

A big smile appeared on his face. "Yay!" Then he agreed to go with Andres to buy the presents.

By the time they were done talking, Vlad was no longer in the room. 


Daddy of the Month.

17th December: Beauty Contest.

Father-son/Daughter dance.

Every family has to pick one of their kids to participate. The boys will compete with boys and the girls with girls but only pick one of your kids. The father-son/daughter dance is by 9pm just after the winner is announced which is by 7pm. Runway starts by 6pm. You all have until 6pm to prepare. 

     Vladimir glanced at Gala who was distracted by something on the TV. He gave her a once over and realized he had a lot of work to do. Gala wasn't your basic feminine girl that loved to wear girly things. She was more of that girl that didn't give a fuck if her hair was a mess and would just take a beanie and leave for school.

     Folding the Daddy of the Month task paper back, he dropped it on the couch then came around it to turn off the TV. She instantly frowned and started to complain but Vlad spoke before she dared, "We are having beauty contest. So unless we go out shopping, I am not dancing with you in sweatpants."

She wanted to say something but thought better of it when Vlad rose a brow at her. Instead, she smiled and pretended to be enthusiastic about it. "Well then, why don't we start heading there now."

     On reaching there, Vlad stopped her from entering any of her familiar stores. Mostly because they had nothing he liked. He wanted a nice gown to go with her curvy body. All the sweatpants she wore always hid them. They entered a nice gown store and Vladimir immediately saw the displeasure on her face from his side view. She quickly made it blank when he looked at her but he pretended not to notice as he pulled her to a slim gold gown.

He smiled. "What do you zink?" Vlad thought it would go well with her tanned skin tone.

She glanced at it then looked away at the entrance of the store as if she was waiting for someone to take her away. "Is Andres coming?"

Vlad grew annoyed by that. It was supposed to be their time together and she was hoping for Andres to come? What was Andres good at that he wasn't?

"No," He said curtly. "It is just both of us." He turned away from her to the grown and added, "I zink zis would be really good. It is long so it would cover zose man legs of yours, but you have to wear heels because of slit. If we take zis, next place we are going is hair s..." He trailed off when he realized the girl he was talking to wasn't beside him but was heading out the door.

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