22.) Good Boy

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Pandora's P.O.V

As Ashton and I sit patiently for Mr. Peter's to hand back the test, I'm super nervous.

Not for me, I could care less if I fail one test. I'm nervous for Ash because his diploma depends on passing this class.

I watch like a hawk as he weaves in and out the rows if desks, when he finally stops in front of me and Ash.

"Good job Ashton. Keep this up, you will get to see yourself in a cap and gown." Mr. Peters said and Ashton smiled turning his paper towards me.

"I got an A! I can't believe it!" He said happily and he flopped out if his desk to give me a hug.

I hugged him back with a smile on my face.

"Good boy Ashton. We'll get you a treat after school today." I joked and he chuckled at me.

"I'm not a dog." He said back causing me to laugh.

Since all the test were out we are gonna go over them and then learn if we will have an assignment to do tonight or not.

I hope we don't because finals are right around the corner and I just wanna study what we already have. I don't wanna throw new things on the pile.

That's one thing I definitely wanna study with Ash for. Finals.

If he passes them with flying colors, he will get to graduate for sure.

I don't wanna let him down.

"Okay class, all you have for homework tonight is study for your finals. We will be reviewing tomorrow and Wednesday before your test Thursday and Friday." He said and Ashton looked over at me.

I nodded my head knowing he was gonna ask for help.

"Now remember, this test is the biggest grade you will get in my class all year. If you fail this, you could fail the year. And we don't want that to happen. You have spent enough days with me, we don't wanna have to hangout again over summer break in school. Study hard and good luck you guys." He said just before the bell rang to dismiss us.

I could see the fear in Ashtons eyes.

But he has nothing to worry about. I have all my notes since day one.

We will study day and night if we have to just to have the kid pass is class and walk to get his diploma in his red cap and gown.

"Do you think I can do it Panda? Do you think I can do good enough to graduate?" He asked me.

"Yes Ash. I know you can."

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