8.) Hope

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Pandora's P.O.V

I arrived at my aunts house, and I told her that I needed the kids back because mum was in the hospital, I didn't tell her why. I also didn't say anything in front of the kids, if I did I would have to take them to see her.

They deserve to see her, but not while my dad is there.

"Sissy!" Miya yelled when she came around the corner.

"Hey honey. You and Jeremy are coming with Ashton, Cal and I. We need to go back to our house and get some stuff." I said, and she nodded.

She ran off into the other room, probably to get her shoes, and our brother.

"Panda, why is your mum there?" My aunt asked me, but I didn't get to answer because the kids came running out with their over night bag. They had their shoes on, and everything was ready to go.

"I'll have to tell you another time. Also, please, whatever you do. Do not tell my father I was here." I said, and she made a weird face, but nodded her head.

I gave her a quick hug, and shuffled out the door with the kids, Ash, and Cal all following behind me.

When we got to the car, Calum sat in the back with the kids. I sat up front with Ashton, so that him and I could run in the house and pack up a bunch of the kids stuff with out having them in the house. Otherwise, they would wanna back every little thing in that house.

"I still can't even believe this is happening." I said quietly.

Ashton removed one hand from the wheel and grabbed ahold of mine, and squeezed.

I looked over at him, his eyes still on the road.

"It's gonna be alright Panda. No matter the outcome. I will be here when you need me to be." Ashton said softly and I smiled at him, not knowing if he could really see me because he was focused on driving.

"Thank you." I whispered. And a smile grew on his face.

He looked over at me for a split second, and I stared into his hazel eyes.

He gave me hope.

Hope that everything would be alright.

Hope that my mum would wake up.

Hope that even if she never wakes up, that I can do this on my own. I don't need my dad to raise these kid. He will only hurt them in the long run.

I can do this alone.

Well, maybe with a little help from my boys on Jeremy, but I can do this with out my dad.

And as long as I don't need him, he doesn't mean a thing to me.

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