14.) I Can't Do It

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Pandora's P.O.V

I rushed out the front doors if school battle back tears from what Julie said.

I can't let anyone see me cry then they will all think if me as a weakling, which I am not.

"Panda! Panda!" I heard Calum calling from behind me, but I couldn't bothered to stop walking until I got Ashton's car.

I threw my bag on the ground and dropped down to my knees and I looked up at Cal with tears down my face.

"What happened Panda? Are you okay?" He asked dropping down in front of me.

"Fucking Julie was making fun of me and my mum." I said, voice cracking.

Calum pulled me into his chest and I couldn't hold anything back anymore.

Sobs started to escape my mouth and tears fell so fast that they were down not only face, but also my neck.

Calum's shirt is probably soaked and would have been covered in make up if so had been bothered to wear any today.

"Dont listen to her Panda. If it had happened to her she would be acting the same way, guaranteed." Calum said.

"Yeah but her life is so fucking perfect and she gets everything she wants. If someone could get something to not go her way for once, I would love to see her reaction." I choked out and Calum nodded his head.

"Give it time. She'll get what's coming to her." He mumbled pulling me up off the ground and pulling me into a hug.

I saw Luke and Ashton walking towards us, both have anger present on their faces.

"Where's Mikey? I need to leave this building now if so don't wanna end up in jail." Luke asked as he got in the car and slammed to door shut.

"What happened?" Calum asked Ashton.

"Julie said some stupid shit to Panda and Luke was right around the corner and be heard it. He just about ripped her head off back there. I pulled away before he did something that would get him in to much trouble." Ashton said, and Calum shook his head.

"This is getting so old. She really needs to have a taste if what it's like to be Panda." Calum said and I just shook my head.

"No one should know what it's like to be me." I said before climbing in the car and putting my headphones in so I could block everything out.

Luke and I didn't speak a word. He was to angry, and I was still on the verge of tears that I wanna hold in as good as possible.

I could see Ash, Cal, and Mikey talking to eachother outside my window.

I kinda just wanna go back to the house and sleep all afternoon.

I don't wanna talk to anyone anymore today, but I know that will never happen.

Joy and Mali will wanna know why I was crying right away, and if I tell them the truth Joy will call the s hool and make a bug fuss a out it, which is what I don't want to happen.

I mean yeah, that might be the only way to actually get all this to stop, however I would rather not give Julie anymore reasons to ruin my life.

My life is bad enough right now. The last thing I need is for some cunt to make it even worse.

I just need to make it through this school year and then I can leave this fucking town and get away from all the memories that I have here.

Maybe then I can finally fix myself.

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