Chapter 13

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"Okay, so maybe that plan was a little bad, but-" Scott starts to explain the horrible plan he just made. We were talking about what we were gonna do to help Stiles, and Scott came up with the worst plan ever.

"That's plan is not just bad, it's suicide." I pointed out.

"I just-" "Maybe Scott shouldn't come up with the plans from now on." Allison giggled. Scott crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Come up with something better yourself." Scott says. "We will." I assured him.

"We need to make sure our abilities are something we can use to help." Allison said.

"Well, Kira has her sword and the oni carry swords too, so doesn't that work out?" I asked.

"Yes but that not all we have to worry about. Scott and Isaac are werewolves, do you really think werewolves are a match against swords?" Allison asked.

"Are you trying to say we're weak?" Isaac asked. "No, not at all." Allison winked at him.

What the hell was that? Did she just-

I'm not jealous. I'm not. I can't be. I have Theo and Theo makes me the happiest girl on earth. Who cares what Allison and Isaac do?

Isaac blushed and so did Allison.

"Anyways," I started. "Do you think a bow and arrow is a match against them? If werewolves aren't, what in the hell makes you think crossbow and knives are gonna do?" I asked.

"We can figure that out later. You still need to figure out what you're gonna do. You don't know how to use your powers properly, so how are you gonna help?" Allison questions.

"I don't care how I help. All I know is that's my brother and I'm gonna help him no matter what." I tell her.

"We know that you're going to help, but you have to keep in mind that you have to help and stay alive at the same time." Scott told me.

"I know that." "I know you don't listen to a word people tell you, but I'm serious Alex. Don't try to sacrifice yourself for Stiles because that won't work. You need to stay alive." Scott adds.

"But my brother needs to stay alive too." I say. "We can keep him alive. Don't worry about him. Just worry about fighting off the oni. We can save Stiles."

"You just stay safe." Isaac says. "Yeah, be careful. Don't get hurt." Allison comments.

"Okay, wait. Why did this conversation turn into everyone telling me not to get hurt? You should be telling each other the same thing, not only me. I'm fine." I tell them.

"You're not fine, Alex." Allison told me. "You won't survive without us knocking some sense into you." She added.

"Well, I guess you don't win the award for best motivator." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just telling you the truth. That's what you need to know."

"I know what I need to know, Allison. I don't need you going around guiding me like a little kid." I scoffed.

"I think you do need me going around like this. Alex, you've been hurt a thousand times and you still don't know better. You're gonna end up dead." Allison says.

"Well at least if I die, I'll die trying to save someone. Unlike you. What have you been doing for the past 3 months? Moping about your mom, and not once have you tried to help us with something. You're too busy worrying about your own problems, you don't have time to actually help your friends." I explained.

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