Chapter 7

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We got our parents back and Jennifer (the Darach) is dead. Finally. I'm glad everything was okay. Still kinda bummed about not helping though.

Something we did find out was that Derek was sleeping with Jennifer. What the hell?

I mean, he didn't know she was the Darach, but still. Geez. Derek needs to keep his thing in his pants and Jennifer needs to close her legs.

Anyways, there were strange things going on in beacon hills. More strange than anything we've ever dealt with before.

Let me sum it up for you;

It all starts with Stiles. Somehow, the boy that's called my brother has been possessed by a very old, very evil sprit.

Don't ask me how because if you did, I wouldn't know

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Don't ask me how because if you did, I wouldn't know.

But Stiles is my brother, so I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to help him.

Also, there's these things called the Oni. They're these people with masks on and they carry swords, sorta like Kira does.

The Oni were once on our side, trying to get the demon inside of Stiles. (Well not so much trying to get the demon out, but mainly just trying to kill Stiles) We don't want to kill Stiles. We want to kill the ghost that's possessed him.

Anyways, like I said, the Oni are on our side, but they're trying to kill stiles and not just the spirit.

Now the problem is again—Stiles. All of us are gonna do our best to help him.

"Us" being me, Scott, Allison, Isaac, Kira and Malia.

It's been about a month and I'm doing my best to avoid all kinds of contact with Isaac. No eye contact. No physical contact. No verbal contact. None. None at all.

Scott and I are cool. We took a day to just talk to each other and understand how we felt. We didn't want to be together, what happened last month only happened because we were desperate (and horny). But we've made up.

I was laying down in my bed. It was about 12:25, And I still hadn't gone to sleep.

My door was halfway open, and in the corner of my eye, I saw a dark figure move outside. Then I heard Stiles' bedroom door open and close.

"Stiles?" I asked, slowly standing up.

No answer.

"Stiles, is that you?" I walked of my room and stood in front of Stiles door.

I knocked a couple of times before it opened. The person who opened it was no other but—my brother.

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