Chapter Eighteen (Tate)

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I haven't heard from Kyle in weeks.

I've tried to call him many times but he never picks up. Whenever I bring him up to Kit he just changes the subject.

"I don't know what to do, Kit," I say to him sitting across from me in Ben Harmon's office, "I can't do shit from here."

"Tate, I say this the nicest way possible," he takes a deep breath, "You need to forget about him. He's forgotten about you, Tate," I shake my head in disbelief and start to tear up.

"Why would he do that?" I choke back a sob. 

"I don't know, but for your sake, you need to forget about him," Kit get's up and leaves, leaves me alone. I can't take it anymore. I run down to the basement and fall on my knees and cry. I look up to see a dark figure in front of me.

"Why are you crying my boy?" James says as I rise to my feet.

"What do you want?" I answer in disgust.

"I came to find out if you're ready to come back, Pet," he chuckles and paces the room, "I've found out that Kyle wants nothing to do with you anymore."

"I'd rather go to hell than come back to you," I exhale a breathe, "In fact, I'm going somewhere and I have no idea where it'll take me. But any place is better than this hell hole."

James halts in a step and turns towards me, "Now Tate, let's not get any crazy ideas."

"It's not crazy," I start to cry again, "I've found my purpose, James."

"And what might that be?" 

"To never be loved," I look down as a tear falls.

"You shall not," he rushes towards me and grabs me by the shoulders, "I will not let you."

"Get off me," I shove his arms away, "Everyone has left me. No one will care anyway." James shakes his head violently. But before he can say anything else, I close my eyes and follow the white light that has been nagging at me for so long, but I've been too blind to see. And then I'm gone.

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