Chapter Six (Tate)

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"What did you do on Halloween, Tate?" I sit on my back on the couch in Dr. Harmon's office. Ben hates me and wants to kick my ass, I can tell. But Violet convinced him to still treat me. Even though Ben technically isn't a psychiatrist anymore. None of us here are much of anything anymore, just lost souls waiting for a reason to be found.

"I went to New Orleans," Dr. Harmon looks up from his notepad.

"Making the most of the night I see," he seems pleased with my decision. 

"Yeah," I smile at the thought of the night. Meeting Kyle, looking at Kyle, touching Kyle, oh how I want to touch him again. Anything with Kyle involved in it was perfect. But then, I had to leave.

"What did you do there?" he sets down his pencil, which means he's really ready to listen.

"At first it was just to go hang out with a friend. But then," I bite my lip, "I met someone."

"Tell me about..."

"Him, it's a him."

"Ah, I see. Tell me about him."

"Well, he's nothing like," I don't want to say his name but I have to, "James. He's caring and warm, and hot," Ben chuckles, "We went to a party and there I started thinking. And so I started crying. He tried to reach for me and I was going to let him, but I don't want to get hurt again," I cringe at the thought of getting torn apart like that again.

"I can understand that, Tate," Ben places his elbows on his knees, "Do you know why you didn't let him touch you?"

Yes, I do, "I'm scared to let him in. Both times I let people in, I got hurt. No offense sir."

"That's alright, it's how you feel."

"What if I'm not good enough for him," I stare down at my shoes, "like I wasn't for James or Violet?"

"I don't know, Tate. I guess you have to make sure you're enough for him," he glances at his watch, "That's all we have for today."

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