Chapter Fifteen (Kyle)

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I sit up from the bed slowly. I put a hand to my temple and cringe. I stare out the window and see, it's morning. What happened last night? I look around the room, alert, in remembrance of last night's events. No one is here. Was it a dream? No. I can still feel their hands all over me. I shiver at the thought. I check my watch, 8:30. My bus leaves at 9. I get my things together as fast as I can and am out the door. I don't bother checking out, I'll worry about it later. I do glance at the counter though where Iris and Liz stare at me.

The stop isn't too far away, so once I get there it's 8:45. I sit on a bench and throw my head back. I don't remain there long before my phone buzzes.

"Hello?" I answer sighing.

"Hey it's me," Zoe.

"Hey," I try to sound excited to hear from her.

"So after we had that talk the other day I did some research..." her comment lingers as if she wants me to say something.

"Oh okay, what did you find?"

"Your friend, Tate, he's a murderer," My head is foggy and unclear, but I am certain what she just said isn't true.

"What? Of course he isn't. What are you talking about?"

"He is, Kyle, he shot and killed 15 people at Westfield High in... 1994."

"That can't be right, Zoe. He's our age," this isn't adding up.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. It's the truth."

"I'm done with this conversation."

"Fine if you don't believe me, look it up yourself," She hangs up. I go straight to google on my phone and look up Tate Langdon.

Shooter of Westfrield High Found and Dead is the first article that comes up. I click it.

After the tragic shooting of Westfield High, police have found the killer. Tate Langdon was a student at Westfield. Police don't know why he did it, and they never will. After storming his home, Langdon was shot on sight.

The issue date is 1994, I can't read this anymore. This can't be true, Zoe must be mistaken. But there is a picture of Tate at the top of the article. Breathe, breathe... I check the time, 8:55. I can catch another bus. I rise from the bench and make my way towards the Murder House. 

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