Chapter One (Kyle)

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I sit watching, admiring her. She stands with her eyes closed chanting a spell. My mind slips into her words, but is pulled out when I hear a smash. She inhales a breath as she bends down to pick up the broken cup.

"No," I grab her wrist, "I don't want you to get cut," Zoe smiles as she rises to get the broom and hands it to me.

"My hero," she smirks. I  begin sweeping up the broken glass when Kit comes strutting into the garden.

"Oh no, did we have an accident here?" he raises and eyebrow. Zoe blushes, she touches my arm and walks out of the garden. I watch her glide out of the room. I try to get lost in her walk, but I can't. I look down and continue sweeping up the mess.

"So," I start up the conversation, "what do you think we are going to do tomorrow night?" Tomorrow night is Halloween and Kit and I always go out and do something, like a guys night.

"Well actually," he turns his head a little, "I have a friend coming into town," I glance up at him, I didn't know Kit had other friends. The only other one I know of is Jimmy Darling, but he's down in Jupiter, Florida. So who could this be? "He's coming from Los Angeles."

"Why tomorrow of all days?"

"He's um," he looks like he's trying to find an excuse, "it's the only time he can leave his house," I look up confused. Who is this guy? I haven't fully found out about all of the "supernatural beings" as Zoe puts it. So what is he, a vampire? Werewolf? Witch? It looks like he wants to drop the conversation, so I don't push him further. 

"So, you want us to do something with him?"

"Yeah, if you're fine with that," he winces as if he's afraid I might say no.

"It's no problem, we can add him to the group," I make a small smirk trying to joke around, but Kit is still really tense. So I drop the smirk, "So who is this guy?"

"Tate," he has a look as if he's afraid to say his name, "Tate Langdon." 

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