*10*Unforeseen Love

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**First edit on 02/23/16**
**Second edit on 10/09/17**

Unforeseen Love

Chapter 10

"Wakey wakey." As I open my eyes in the morning all I see is Eric sitting on top of me in only his boxers with a wicked smile on his face. I rub my eyes vigorously to try to get them to clear up as I try to figure out what exactly is going on.

"Why the hell are you on top of me?" I let out a yawn and look at him with questioning eyes.

"Don't know. I just felt like it." He shrugs his shoulders and moves slightly, making me then realize exactly what he was sitting on, my lap. When his butt hits my morning happiness, I can't help but groan and grab his hips without thinking about it.

"No, you felt like turning yourself on by sitting on top of me." He smiles wickedly at me and just shrugs his shoulders again.

"Maybe, maybe not. What are you going to do about it?" I glance down at his lap and see that sitting on me has officially worked for him. Without thinking about it, I sit up quickly and grab his hand in mine, dragging him to the bathroom with me.

"Ooo, someone's being naughty." I hear Eric whisper in my ear as I switch on the shower and he grinds into me. I back up into him in surprise and moan when I feel his hands travel around to the front of my body.

"You know it baby." I wink at him and hurriedly strip out of my clothes and step into the warm water. The sudden feeling of Eric pressing into my backside makes me bite my lip and hold in a moan. I sure as hell never thought that I would be showering with Eric, twice at that. At least this time it's not a whole big surprise action thing.

"You know, I really never pictured this happening." I say with a happy sigh as I lean back into Eric's chest as he hugs me from behind. I feel him nuzzle his fake into the crook of my neck as he speaks.

"Pictured what?"

"Us. All of this. Heck, any of this. I still don't get why you want to be with me out of all people."

"Because you are special. Ever since I saw you walk into the school doors last year I felt this connection of some sort towards you. I knew right away that there was something different about you. To be honest, I was going to talk to you that very day but I felt like I couldn't. Never had I felt something toward another guy, let alone one that I hadn't even talked to yet, so I was a little hesitant and well, the guys noticed me acting different right away and I just couldn't do anything."

"So you resorted to bullying me so you could have contact of some sort with me." I feel realization hit me as I turn around to face him.

"Exactly. I told you this already. I feel like an ass because of it all, but if it hadn't happened then we wouldn't be here right now. I know that I shouldn't have bullied you at all, but I felt like if I had admitted to myself that I actually did like you then I would melt and I would start acting weird again. All I had worried about was what the guys would think, but I don't care anymore. You are the most important thing in my life now." I force the tears to stay in and not come streaking down my face as I listen to him talk. I can feel the wide smile on my face grow bigger as he strokes my cheek and smiles down at me.

"I hate to say this but I am kind of glad that you bullied me now too. I didn't trust you when you had said that you would stop and that you even liked me, but I do believe you. You mean so much to me, and even though it's only been like a week, I can feel myself just growing happier as the time goes by."

As I look up into his eyes I see love and adoration clearly shine in them. Standing up on my tip toes, I push my lips to his and throw my arms around his neck. I feel his arms pull me close to him and hold me tight. Instead of it being all sexual, this kiss is unlike any that we have had. It's just plain sweet and filled with happiness.

When I pull back to look at him, he is gleaming with happiness and I am pretty sure that my face matches his.

"So what's the plan for today?" He questions with the raise of one eyebrow.

"Don't know. Let's finish up and then we'll go talk to the rents first."

"Sounds good to me."

We finish up within 10 minutes and are both out of the shower, dressed, and down the stairs in no time at all. I find my moth and Brian both sitting at the counter drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. They remind me of an old married couple in their 90's.

"You guys seriously have no clue how old you look right now." I say as I enter the kitchen with Eric behind me. I smile at him as he passes me and heads straight for the fridge.

"And why do we look old?" My mother eyes me and sips her coffee slowly while Brian just sits there and does nothing but read.

"Because only old people read the newspaper together."

"First of all, we are not old. Second, I will have you know that we do more stuff together than you know of so this is normal."

"What kind of stuff are we talking about exactly?" I raise an eyebrow in suspicion and am kind of afraid to get an answer for a second. Knowing my mom she will say something that will scar me for life, as if she hasn't already.

I watch as she sets her coffee and newspaper down at the same time as Brian and they look at each other with a look that I know all too well.

"Well, if you really want to know." She drags the sentence out slowly and bites her lips as she talks. I look at her real quick and make sure to plug my ears right before I hear her start to laugh at me.

"Hey, you're the one that asked. If you don't want to know, then don't ask."

I let out a shiver and try to block any bad images from coming into my mind. I hear Eric laughing from beside me and shaking his head. I ignore him though.

"Anyway, I was just going to ask what's going today?"

"Well, Brian and I are going to go get Eric's bed and all of the other big stuff. You guys can get started on his room if you like. I'll leave my credit card here so you can go buy paint and whatever else you need." Ideas on how we could do Eric's room start running through my mind as she continues to babble on.

"Okay ma. Sounds good to me." I smile at her and kiss her cheek before she leans over and hands me her credit card out of her purse. Yep, my mom actually trusts me enough to let me out loose with her card. If I were her I wouldn't trust me, but hey, to each their own.

"Thank you." She nods and kisses my head before getting up out her seat and throwing me my keys off of the counter.

"Well, shall we go Eric?" He looks over at me and nods quickly with a big smile on his face. I have a feeling that this day is going to be fun.


So after the next couple of chapters the story should really start to pick up and get more into the actual stuff. I couldn't just jump into the drama right away so you all get to relax and be happy with these chapters for now :)

I hope this one was at least okay. I feel like this one sucked a bit, but hey, I tried. <3

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