*3*Unforeseen Love

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**First edit: 02/20/16**

**Second edit: 10/09/17**

Unforeseen Love

Chapter 3

As I walk out the gym in a daze, all I can think about is how much more screwed up my life is going to be now.

I can't decide whether to believe Eric or not. His face said yes, but he is Eric after all. He lives to make my life a living hell, not make it better. 

I close my eyes and let out a breath before exiting the school. As I get in my car, I put in a Sleeping With Sirens CD and let the music take me away. I open all of the windows and just lean back in my seat. This is one of the things that I love most about being able to drive. I don't have to walk home, I get to control the radio, and I can basically do whatever I want.

'R u almost home yet?'  I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and this appears on the screen. My mother and her worrying. 

'Yes. I'll be there in a min' I press send and look up towards all of the houses on my street, pressing down on the pedal a little harder. 

As I reach our house, I slowly make my way up the long driveway. The gates swing closed behind me and make a clattering noise as I park and exit. I can see my moms car in her normal spot and a smile crosses my face. It's her day off, for once.

"Sweetie, is that you?" I hear her call as I walk inside the door. I drop my bag by the door and walk into the kitchen. She is putting groceries away when I reach her.

"Ah, it is. How was school?" She asks with a smile as she turns around to look at me.

"Eh. School was school." I grab an apple from our dish on the counter and take a big bite of it. I really don't need to mention today's events to her. She will flip her lid and go all fan girl on me.

"I figured. Well, you should head on up and get ready. Brian and his son are meeting us here at 7 and then we are driving into town for dinner. Make sure you look nice." She kisses my forehead and disappears in the direction of her bedroom.

Crap! I completely forgot that the 'meeting' was tonight. I finally get to meet Brian's son. Brian is my mothers current boyfriend, and to be honest, I really could care less about meeting his kid. I mean, I like Brian and all, but my mom said that his son goes to my school and most of the kids in my school are assholes. They all could care less about what other people think, so this should turn out real well.

Groaning, I head over to grab my bag and then trudge up the stairs. I can hear the shower running from near my door and I roll my eyes. Great. Now she will be in there forever. Stupid girls and their long showers. 

Tossing my bag on my bed, I head over to my Ipod dock and turn on some tunes. I make sure that it's nice and loud before heading to my closet. I might as well pick out an outfit so I don't have to do it later. 

Hmm, let's see. Black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, black and white button up shirt, and classic black vans. Sounds good to me. It will work. I don't need to get too dressed up. It is only Brian after all, and his kid of course. No one special.

I throw all of the clothes onto my bed and then grab a towel from the hamper in the hallway. I hear the shower door open in my moms room and I smile. She didn't take an hour this time, for once.

"You better dress nice tonight mister! I mean it!" She yells from her room and I just snort. I will dress how I want. 

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes and shut my bathroom door behind me. I flick on the hot water and strip off my clothes. The mist from the water hits my face as I step into the warmness. I let the water hit my body all over and close my eyes. 

Images of earlier come into my head and I find myself getting turned on. The way he acted so mellow was surprising. That was so not normal Eric. He actually wasn't a jerk for once, or abusive. It was like he was a completely different person or something.

Leaning my head against the side of the wall, I smile and let my body take over. I can feel of nothing but pleasure. The image of Eric sure does do a lot to my body. Seeing him naked has always been a dream of mine, so to have it come true is really big for me. I wonder if I can see him naked again....wait! Stop it Zack! You can not think of him this way! 

I mentally slap myself and finish showering. The clock reads 530 by the time that I get out. School had ran a little late for me today since of the shower room incident and all, plus I spent a little time just sitting and thinking.

Shaking the water from my hair, I pull on a pair of boxers and proceed in putting on the rest of my clothes. I throw my towel into the dirty clothes hamper and take a seat on the floor by my window.

Wind blows in and I close my eyes, remembering my dad. This was one of his favorite things to do; sit in front of an open window. The smell of the wind and feel of it just always seemed to make him happy.

I let all thoughts clear from my mind as I get up and head into the bathroom to finish getting ready. I comb my hair so it's just perfect and I put on my cologne and bracelets. Grinning, I turn off the light and walk back into my room. I might as well waste some time. On to the computer I go.

I log onto my Facebook account and read through some of my 'friends' status'. None of them have ever actually talked to me, but still. I happen to notice one in particular; Eric's. I can see a notification that says 'Eric has now changed his relationship status to 'It's Complicated'. Well that's weird. Out of the whole time that I have known Eric, he has yet to once change his relationship status. It's always set as single. Oh my god...wait! Did he change it because of me?! No, of course not.

I find myself thinking through everything that has happened since I met him. All of the beatings, bruises, names calling, everything. It's like Eric isn't Eric anymore.

"Honey, are you ready?" Mom hollers from downstairs. I turn down the music a little and yell back to her.


"Okay. They will be here in like 5 minutes!" Great. Now I don't have anymore 'me' time. I really could care less about meeting Brian's kid. He is probably just another jock with a bad attitude, like I said before. I bet my home life is now going to be pure hell.

"Zack, come down here!" I hear mom yell and I groan in response. I turn off my music and shut off my bedroom light. I make my way down the hall and to the stairs as I hear Brian's voice. My mom is laughing for the first time in awhile. I smile as I descend the stairs and then my smile slowly fades. You have got to be kidding me.

A/N: Yes, I know that this part is cliché but whatever. The story will get better!

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