Coming Back

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Hello readers. It's been a while and I know that you've grown impatient waiting. I've just been going through so much these days especially with my depression...I don't really like sharing my personal life, but I figure you guys deserve at least that because I haven't exactly dealt with the problem in its entirety yet. I've been having extreme thoughts of suicide for the past couple years to the point that I've actually attempted suicide. The antidepressants aren't  working and I just don't know if living is even worth it anymore. The one person that I thought loved me unconditionally (my mother) has really made it hard for me to feel any differently. I didn't write this for you to feel bad or anything like that. I'm just telling you what's been up with me. I know you're mad and I understand that. I'm so sorry for letting you all down. The next chapter will be released soon I promise. I'm so sorry for the wait guys. If you don't want to read anymore, that's fine. I can't promise consistent updates, but I do promise to finish. Thank you all for reading!

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