Also not a one shot...

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Yes I know, I didn't post anything for V-Day... I'm sorry. I've just been stressed out lately and I can't think properly because of school and all... But! I have a story that I made for an assignment at school that I'm going to post here! I know it's not anime related or anything... But I hope you feel the suspense and horror through it! Oh, and the characters are based on my friends in my class. I'm Aoi, just saying. And Serena is my best friend. Oh! I might make a short story as an apology for v-day~ okay without further ado, my story!

The School Massacre

The wind blew hard. The leaves dancing roughly in the sky. The moon shining bright, being the main source of light, as the light posts have burnt out. It was around 6:00 PM and student have gone home. Except for 6. They had to finish up some work and it took them quite a while. Once they were done, it was already dark outside. They tried to leave, but the doors were locked, and all the faculty members had left. Luckily, the power was still working in some rooms.

The 6 friends; Serena, Haru, Akai, Angel, Aoi and Zeri. They decided to sit in their main homeroom and do nothing.

"Did you guys see the baseball game last night?" Zeri asked.

"Uh... Yeah, totally." Aoi replied sarcastically.

"You're the only one who watches it!" Angel teased.

"No, I watched it! It was pretty sick." Akai said enthusiastically.

"Oh did you see the bats on sale outside?" Haru asked.

"Ooh yeah! I bought one!" Zeri cheered, gesturing to the baseball bat beside her.

"Ugh, you guys are boring, lets do something fun!" Serena whined.

"Oh, I know!" Angel yelled.

"Woah chill! What is it?" Aoi asked.

"Let's play hide-and-seek in the dark!" Angel said happily.

"Yeah!" They all said enthusiastically as the left the room to go to the school's gym.

"Okay guys start hiding!" Serena, who was "it", turned the lights off and started counting. As soon as she reached 10, there was a deafening shriek. Serena quickly turned on the lights.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I don't know... Hey where's Akai?" Haru asked.

The 5 friends run back to the homeroom, as there was a trail of blood. Angel slowly opened the door, scared to see what lies ahead. Once it was open, they all stood in astonishment. Once it sunk into their minds, there were screams and cries echoing off the room. On the ground of the room lay the cold, dead body of Akai.

"He's not dead... He's just sleeping... yeah!" Serena said, adding a laugh at the end of her deceiving thoughts. She kept shaking him, attempting to wake him up, to no avail.

"Serena... He... He's gone." Zeri sniffled. They all gathered around and decided to call the police. When the police came, they asked a few questions to everyone. Things like, "Did he have a bad past with someone?", "Is there anyone else here?", "Are there any weapons around?", etc. The police drove them all to their respective homes to try to get some shut-eye, although after that tragic incident, that wouldn't happen...


The friends decided to meet up at the local library to discuss the crime.

"Guys... I think I know who the murder is..." Angel said quietly so other people in the library wouldn't hear.

"What?! Who??" they all yelled in unison.

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