chapter 5-GMGS,DMS and a war?

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[lucy p

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[lucy p.o.v] 

it was the start of a new day of the GMGs it was the third day and were all pumped me and gramps had to drop out because of the ten wizard saints are holding and meeting i told them i needed a brake so wendy and elfman took our spots i hope they will be alright i wonder who took jura spot we were on the train headed for the council i was levitating so i don't get sick from the moving train then jura spoke up "lucy-san what are you doing?" "i am trying not to get sick from motion sickness" i answer and get back to concentrating "why?" "i am also a dragon slayer so yer i get motion sickness" i replied holding a poker face "i see you learned more then god slayer magic then" "yes i did way more then what i have shown i don't want anyone knowing my persuasion so that is why i brought crystal" "i see that is why you have a exceed then i was wondering why" i lost my concentrating and fell on the seat i knew my face was green i got gramps to punch me the stomach and i blacked out. when i woke up were hear and jura was waking me i ran of the train and sat on the non moving ground lahar came over to lead us but when he saw me know laying on the ground "so you also get motion sickness even if you are a sky dragon slayer" "i other elements over rule it so yes i do" i said getting up from my spot and following him "you still fixing the hole i made 2 days ago?" i ask "we are sadly still fixing it" he muttered 'poor ground what did it do' "you have problems man get some help" i say he got a horrified look on his face at what i said then remembered my form had said i was a dragon slayer. before we got there i changed into armour and asked "should i put my power on full" they thought about it and nodded "but can you please flout around so you don't make the ground shudder" i nodded at lahars suggestion i started to flout and said "power raise to full" when all my power was released i started to fly after them with crystal on my back here is my armour just it is me not that random person it was just the figure the amour was on 

 before we got there i changed into armour and asked "should i put my power on full" they thought about it and nodded "but can you please flout around so you don't make the ground shudder" i nodded at lahars suggestion i started to flout and said ...

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see just it is me  i don't know who that person wearing my amour is just imagine me in that armour erza helped me pick it out because she has the best sense in armour well anyway. we reached the meeting room and sat down were our numbers were mine was near the other side of the room gramps sat 4 seats away from me 'so he is the 5th saint not bad old man' i said the last part to him 'who are you calling old man brat' a comical anger mark came out of his head 'may i ask who are the reckless ones out of the saints other then me' 'that wold be all the rest but olpena the third saint' 'ok so all the rest but warred and olpena will challenge me?' 'yes that about sums it up they know that there is' we were broken out of thought when some one blamed the door open and in came 5 men one of them shouted "were here know who is the first wizard saint i wanna battle em show yourself" i was flouting above my chair and raised my hand and said serpriserling calm "so you want to battle me then" he looked at me and fell to the ground in laughter lahar and dorinbolt ran in and saw what was happening "you better apologise know suiran she will kill you if you don't" shouted lahar to 'suiran' "why she can't even hurt a fl" before he could finish my feet hit the ground the building shuddered he looked at me in shoke and horror "you should *step* have *run* listened to *jump* his warning *kick*" i kicked him state in the face and sent him flying out the window but before i hit the ground i went to go get him as sone as i was back with a unconscious suiran in my hands i healed him and went back to my seat and pulled out a book "lucy you are scaring me why are you calm" gramps said scared out of his wits "you would be to if that just happened" he thought about it for a second the slowly nodded "why are we gathered here" i said putting the book down on the table "yer why are we here" said a peach haired woman 2 seats away from me must be olpena the third saint gran doma walked in and sat at the end of the table "we are here to descuse a matter of ut must urgency" "and what is the urgency may i inquiry gran doma" "thank you for asking the different realms are in danger ours, the dragons, gods, wolves, pinixs, eagles, fairies, elves, griffins, tigers, demons, devils, ninjas (Naruto), alchemists (full metal alchemist), pirate (one piece), edolas, soul reapers (bleach), exorcists (blue exorcists), gamers(no game no life), countries (hetalia) and the dinosaurs i can't get in touch with the ruler of the dragons, gods, wolves, pinixs, eagles, fairies, elves, griffins, tigers, demons and devils i don't know why we need to find a way to her" "gran doma i can help with that and who is targeting these realm may i ask" "you can and it is a realm that has been thriving for sentries in magic, the arts, electronics they are the sembolus an ancient race of cats and dogs they live in harmony but they only seek war against the realms to show they are superior to us i have warned the rest of the realms but the ones i mentioned i need to speak to there queen KNOW!" "don't shout i'll call mom and tell her to come strait away ok are you happy know" "y-your m-mother" "yes i am the princess of the dragons, gods, wolves, pinixs, eagles, fairies, elves, griffins, tigers, demons and devils' open gate of the queen i summon thee layla dryer heartfilia" i shouted and there stood mom we all left the room but me, mom, gramps and gran doma"so this is a surprise let me repeat myself  the different realms are in danger ours, the dragons, gods, wolves, pinixs, eagles, fairies, elves, griffins, tigers, demons, devils, ninjas (Naruto), alchemists (full metal alchemist), pirate (one piece), edolas, soul reapers (bleach), exorcists (blue exorcists), gamers(no game no life, sword art online), countries (hetalia) and the dinosaurs i wanted to tell you this but could not get in touch with you, can you provide an army so we may defeat the sembolus i am forming mine and lucy get all the guilds together" "first you have to blow my cover during the grand magic games last day for this to work got it" "yes you can stay here tonight because it is night time i will lead you to your room and thank you layla" "no problem i will provide an army of dragons, gods, wolves, pinixs, eagles, fairies, elves, griffins, tigers, demons and devils for you goodbye for know" i waved at her and followed doma to spacious room and went to bed. in the mourning i woke up and left the magic council and headed for the GMGs i got there before the rest they knew i was participating today along with gramps but he had to do some thing before the games started so i was left alone in the reviewing area awaiting the rests arrival after 50 minutes they got here i turned invisible and blocked my sent i watched as they asked each other if they saw me last night natsu was literary crying i couldn't help it any more i burst out laughing i watched as they looked around trying to me but to no avail i then read my sent through out the room to confuse natsu "luce why do i smell you every where" "because i am dead and you my friend are talking to my ghost" i hollowed at him he shivered "lucy stop playing games and come out" gramps called "your no fun i was enjoying that" i said as i reappeared infrount of everyone who were glade to know i was not dead but playing a prank on them "i know but remember what you have todo today don't you" "yes i remember what the old geezer told me todo so stop bugging me the GMGs are about to start and it is the last day" "fine lets go" "alright today is the last day of the GMGs and we will have each team put all its members in to today all out battle in a mimi sky city is the battle ground the team that wins is the last team standing there will be a captain that is worth 10 points the rest are 5 points then everyone onto a one of the platforms to be taken to the mimi city" the announcer called out we ended having me as the captain we walked out and "and there we have it team fairy tail is the first to walk out and go to the mimi city for todays all out war" we got up there and mapped out the whole area we placed everyone in the most of the main spots erza=training ground, gray=ice skating ring, natsu=arena, gramps=chapel and me the thrown room in the small ish palace the reason erza and gray are on the team is that mira and laxus did not want to play today i don't blame them as we waited for other mages to come i set up a telepathic link intertwining us so we can talk i sat on the thrown and requiped into my rulers armour which is the armour from up top as i waited i heard erza say 'there all here know' 'ok tell me if any come my way i have a force field around the room so only the last mage other then you can get in here you can come in here as well' i say this to everyone 'who do you want the last person to be before we come to you?' gray asks 'jura' was all i said and waited 6 hours later they all filed in and sat down in the chairs along the side i healed them "it looks like only jura and all of fairy tail are left i will give a hint to jura 'they are were the king and queen shall watch the the city' and that is all i have to say bye bye" said the mascot in a annoying tone "so you were at the thrown room this whole time what a surprise another re-match lucy the first wizard saint" jura came in they all looked at me i slowly opened my eyes "yes it is a re-match jura the 8th wizard saint" "and did i forget to mention that lucy heartfilia is the first wizard saint" said the annoying pumpkin mascot "when did this happen" asked erza "after jura and my first battle that was why lahar was asking for me" they nodded and i battled jura "lucy you need to gather all the guilds together remember, jura you know the reason for this" shouted gramps "i know but let me finish this then i will go to the masters of each guild" "what are you talking about" shouted natsu, erza and gray  "i'll tell you later know gramps were are the guilds inns so i can visit each one and get there masters and meet up at the meeting room at the magic council got it" he nodded and i went back to the battle with jura it finished in atlased 10 minutes then we won the GMGs and i went to the dirrerent guilds inns i made shore that sabertooth was last i snuck up to the doors and listened to what was happening "you insolent fools we are know second sting, rouge, rufus, ogre and yukino you are here by banned from sabertooth" said there master "it was not their fault that they lost the last day and we can get fairy tail back next year right?" i turned invisible and saw a red cat say that "and what the hell are you doing in my guild" said the master "but master i'm apart of sabertooth my name is lector" he showed his back "i did not let a puny thing like you in this guild you must die" their master shouted and got ready to fire magic at the poor cat i got him turned him invisible and got out of the way i sat on the over hang with lector in my lap i blocked our sent and put up a bubble so we can talk but still hear what is going on down there "thanks for saving me i thought i was going to die back there"don't worry if i hadn't been order to come here then you would be died as a door nail"hay aren't you from fairy tail who sent you"that would be the magic council and looked sting is about to kill your master for 'killing' you we will show our selves when this noise stops ok"sure thing and thanks again" he said looking at the battle just then sting shouted "for lector" and hit their master dead on and killed him everyone stopped and started to cheer for their know dead master minerva left the guild and sting was named master know was the time to show ourselves "ok it is time" lector nodded and i descended lector was in my arms "hello if i had not come your little friend here would be dead" sting looked at me and i passed him lector "sting-con the magic council sent here to talk to the master who is you she watched every thing and saved my life" said lector "thank you and what do you need to talk about?" "well the council is holing a urgent meeting and all the light guild masters must attend this meeting" he nodded and noticed my guild mark and wizard saint badge "y-you a-are l-lucy h-heartfilia from f-fairy t-tail" "yes i am, i am also a messenger of the council so please come to the magic council tomorrow" he nodded and went off i flow out of their guild inn and went to my own so i can get some sleep for tonight before i go back to the magic council again. when i get there everyone is nocked out so i just go to my room and full asleep. in the morning i woke up and headed for the council with mavis we talked on the way i explained the situation to her as we neared the council "see that is why the meeting is being held" "thank you lucy-nee-chan" we landed and was greet by lahar he took us to the meeting room at one side sat the wizard saints at the other sat the masters (none there yet but the two) we sat down and waited 20 minutes later sting, jura and the old hag (lamia scales master) came in and sat down were there ment to be another 20 minutes went by and the rest were here and the meeting started "so why did lucy get us here" sting asked "why are you here were is jenniama" asked bob "i will answer that there master died and know sting is master" i said and they nodded gran doma came in and explained after that they all agreed and put their guild down for the army "tell your guild about this they will need to know" i said they nodded and left "mavis i had crystal tell the guild about this the council wants to keep all the wizard saints here ok" "of course lucy" "tell the guild i will be at the magic council for awhile and so will gramps" "sure thing see you later" she said and flew off i went back inside and was shown to my room which was the same as last time i unpacked my things put a sound berra around the room then mom popped up "lucy" "yes mom?" "sadly that is coming" "you don't mean DMS?"  "lucy i do mean DMS it starts in 4 days i need to gather the boy dragon slayers and there mates and take them to the reserved islands in the dragon realm" "sure whatever i need to get to sleep bye mom" "bye lucy" my mom disappeared and i went to sleep on the bed but one hour later i woke up because mom had popped up again "what this time" "i have spoken to doma and you can come to the dragon realm" "why?" "you are natsu's mate" i felt my face go bright red "but there is a war coming they need me" "no they don't they can handle it them selves and plus this is only for a month not a year" "you know the time varies each time right?" "i co i am the one that told you the mates don't know any thing so you will have to give them the book" "fine lets go then" and with that i packed an we left to the dragon realm we were greeted by the other dragon slayers and there mates i gave the mates a small leaver bound book they huddled around the book and started to read i sat on the ground next to natsu "luce i need to tell you what is happening" natsu started "no need i know that it is DMS you don't have to tell me" he looked at me shocked "how do you know?" he asked "mom told me" "mom?" "yes my mother the queen of the dragons der brain" he nodded then looked at me his eyes widened "your a princess!?" "yes not to loud dumb ass or you'll brake my ear drums!" i shouted and he nodded we sat back down and waited for us to be sent to the islands then lvi gave the book back to "here lu-chan you need to read this" "no i don't i already know whats going on but ok if you say so" i opened the book and started to read 

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