chapter 3-S-class trials

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lucy p.o.v

when the party was over i headed out to find a place to stay i knew i could not go back to my old home so i went to the housing store were you could by home as i was walking with crystal next to me i was thinking on what type of house i was gonna buy, i was not going to rent because it is to much work to get the jewels i need to pay, anyway i knew to house had to have: kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms (guest room), study, pool, game room, training room, weapon room, walk in wardrobe and a balcony. just as i stopped dreaming about my new home i arrived at my destination i ran in and looked at my options that were in my price range which is 50 000 000 jewels i know a lot right as i was about to finish up here i saw a lachruma showing a beautiful house that had about 3 floors i went over to it and looked at the content of the house it had everything i wanted plus it's own magic car it was also at the edge of the forest just of the boarder of the town i pressed the buy button and a worker at the shop popped up next to me ''miss would you like to purchase this property from magic homes'' she said i nodded and we walked to the counter with the lachruma in hand when we got there she went behind to counter put the lachruma in a tube ''it will be 25 000 000 jewels please'' i had two bags with 25 000 000 jewels in each i handed one to her she checked if all the jewels were there then nodded and pused a button and the keys shot out of another tube and flew into her face i sweat dropped as she gave me the keys and i walked out after that we went to find all the things we needed when done i headed for my new home nobody in the guild knew were it was or that i had gone out to bye a new home when we got there i summoned virgo and floris (goddess of design) they went to work while i field up the pool with magic renewing water and i also put a spell around to house that no ran, hail or snow could get in  and a spell on the pool so that i was always clean i went back inside to see they were all done with the decorating they thanked me and went home i went to the study pulled out a piece of paper ruled five coloms on it so it looked like this:

 |  zeref   |  laxus  |  lucy (me)  |  agnalogia  |   mavis  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

well that is what was at the top of the page and there were just lines going down the page to show that they were separated i listed on the back 'demon, devil, pinix, griffin, eagle, tiger, fairy, elf, dragon, god and wolf. then i put them into the five coloms evenly under zeref was: demon and devil, under laxus: pinix and griffin, under agnalogia was: eagle and tiger, under mavis was: fairy and elf, and finally was me: dragon, wolf and god this was because i was the most strong and willing to take over three of the realms when mom retired from her position as queen of all i sent to paper to mom so that she knows who is getting which thrown i got up and had a shower i grabbed my pjs after 30 minutes i got out and changed i went out and put another spell on the house so that you could not hear me in the house and smell me in the house i then went to bed to full asleep as sone as i hit the bed

time skip morning (lucy p.o.v)

i wake up to feel something around my waist i turn around to find i puff of pink i grabbed the arm and throw natsu across the room as sone as he hit the ground he snapped his eyes open rubbing the newly formed lump on his head i turned and dragged happy out of my bed i loaded in fount of them they coward back crystal came in but left again only to pop up again with STRAWBERRY CAKE! i grabbed it and headed for the kitchen were i sat down and ate the delicious thing that was in my hand while crystal was in the kitchen with happy in human form cooking natsu was gorking at the two mostly happy ''happy you have a human form too" natsu said happy nodded and went back to cooking natsu sat down next to me scared he knew what erza would do if he interrupted her while eating strawberry cake i finished eating and asked ''natsu how are you here i only brought this place yesterday?'' ''i don't know i just knew you were here" happy and crystal came out with the food placed it down and we dug in. after eating we headed for the guild talking and laughing when something attached its self to natsu's arm i stopped him walked around and there was her looking at natsu dreamily natsu noticed as grabbed her collar i chucked her to the other side of magnolia we laughed at her reaction and continued on walking we arrived at the guild and sat down at the bar.

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