Chapter One- Paris

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Who am I? 24601!!!!! -it's been stuck in my head all day. 


The sunlight was gone, and the moon had replaced it when Josephine finally reached her designation. After being in a small carriage for almost an entire day Josephine found it rather difficult to walk. She spend the day thinking about a variety of different subjects. For example, Where is she going to stay? She didn't know anybody in the city, or anything about its twisting and turning streets. Panic stuck Josephine when she realized she had no place to stay the night. She felt regretful for leaving her home so fast. At the first stop to give the horses a rest,  Josephine asked the driver of the carriage, "Where shall I be staying when we reach Paris?" 

The carriage driver, an elderly man with little money to his name, responded in a thick french accent, "Your mother knows a man, from her youthful days, mind you, who owns several apartment buildings in a decent part of the city. She is sure that he will let you spend the night in one of his rooms, and if you want  to rent a room for a longer period of time, you can. She told me, yes she did, that she's going to be sending word to the Monsieur at once. Don't worry, young lady, she gave the address to one of the building to me before we left. My, aren't you..." the man carried on, chattering to himself, or possibly the horses. Josephine let the man talk as long as he wanted, which was for a while. Satified by his respond, she got back into the small carriage. After the rest was over the horses were ready the pair started on their way to Paris once more. 

The pale-complected young woman would not have to worry about money for quite some time once she arrived at the apartment building. Her mother gave Josephine two thousand francs before she left the manor so quickly. Josephine was shocked that her mother had stored so much money up and kept it away from her father, who looked after the family accounts. "My personal savings," her mother respond after Josephine asked her where all the money had come from.  Josephine could not find the words to thank her mother for all she had done for her in one night. If it were not for her mother, who just yesterday seemed not to care about her daughter, Josephine would be married by now to a complete stranger. The young girl shuddered at the mere thought. 

Pushing the unwanted thought aside, Josephine looked across the vast countryside and began to picture her new life in Paris. Sighing to herself, she leaned against the side of the carriage. She will find a job, hopefully one that involved writing, and meet some new people that will become her friends. Day in and day out, she will be thankful for her life in Paris and the Catholic girl will go to mass every Sunday morning. Josephine would write letters to her mother every week, knowing that her father would never see them, her mother always got the mail. Her lovely mother would write back, keeping her up to date on the events going on in her old life at home. Farmer markets would be where she spends her time in the spring and  a small cafe will be where she spends her nights, working on her papers. Josephine would not be looking for love in Paris, however. A man does not need any part in her life. A woman can provide for herself and look after all the different aspects in her life. Josephine smiled to herself, content with her dreams for the time being. Not even in the city yet, Josephine knew that she is going to love her new city and life.

Awaking for her unexpected dream, Josephine realized that she was in what she thought,  Paris. At last, she thought to herself. Peering out of the carriage window, Josephine drew in a quick breath. She never expected Paris to look so grand and yet so old. The buildings where tall and narrow, covered with an aging facade. Due to the lack of sunlight she could not see all the details of the buildings around her. Even though Josephine did not know exactly where she was she couldn't help but feel utter happiness. She smiled so widely that her perfect teeth shined in the night. 

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