Never Too Busy

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It's been two months since I had Sage. Jacob hasn't once brought up getting married. I haven't seen much of him, and he's never sleeping in our bed anymore. I'm left to take care of Sage all alone. Sure, Brandon and Evan help, but Sage isn't their baby. I miss the sweet kisses he gave me, and the warm hugs, along with the sweet nothings he whispered in my ear after we've shared a passionate moment. He's been busy, at least that's what Sandy told me. Apparently, he's got a job, so I always feel bad for wishing he was here 24/7. I haven't been back to school yet, so I don't get to distract myself from the empty house. I put Sage down for a nap, and hear the front door open. "I'm home!" I gasp and race down the stairs, launching myself into Jacob's arms. "I missed you so much!" "I've only been gone an hour or two, babe. You know Saturdays are our days." I shake my head. "I know, but I haven't seen or spoken to you, other than through text, since last Saturday! I thought you were avoiding me..." Jacob lifts my chin. "I'm sorry, I've just been busy. With school and work, I haven't been home much. I've missed you too. I have been sleeping on the couch, because I didn't want to wake you." I squeeze him tightly. "Y-you idiot. I don't care! Wake me up! At least I'll know you're home! Safe. Back where you belong! In my arms, with yours wrapped around me!" Jacob wraps his arms around my waist. "Like this?" My face heats up a bit. "Y-yes." He grins and leans down. Our lips connect and I immediately grip onto the back of his hair, pulling him closer. God, I've missed this. Missed having him so close, feeling his breath ghost over my face right before we kiss, the way he squeezes my hips as he pulls me closer. I miss every argument we've ever had, because he always knew how to end it. He pulls away and kisses my forehead. "God, I've missed doing that." I nod, unable to speak. We go into our room. Jacob picks up Sage as I sit on our bed. "Lean forward, babe." I nod and he sits behind me, handing me Sage in the process. "Lean back." I sigh happily, comforted by the familiarity of the position. Jacob rests his head on my shoulder, looking at Sage. "She's beautiful. I can't believe that came from me. Us." I nod. I'm still a bit upset at the fact that he's forgotten about getting married. Although, I guess we are a bit young, aren't we? Jacob nuzzles into my neck. "What's wrong, baby? You're really quiet. No one is this quiet on our Saturdays!" I shush him. "Sage is sleeping." He leans back from me. "What's bothering you, Chris?" He sounds serious and upset. "Nothing." I stand and put Sage back into her crib and leave the room. I go into the kitchen, holding my stomach. I haven't fully recovered from the c-section yet, so it still hurts a bit. I can hear Jacob come down the stairs. "Did I...did I do something to upset you, Chris? What's going on?" I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to prevent the tears that try to escape as I keep my back to him. "You're never around anymore. I know you're working, but I can't help wishing that you're here with me. You're so busy that we only ever have our Saturdays. I don't know where you are all week, I just know it isn't with me. You haven't even mentioned us getting married! I know I'm being selfish. I should've just kept this to myself. I'm sorry." I wipe my tears with the heels of my hands. I'm turned around, and I feel his hands take hold of my wrists. "That must hurt. Let me help." He wipes my tears with his thumbs. I keep my eyes closed. He kisses my eyelids and wraps me in his arms. "To be completely honest with you, the reason I got a job in the first place, was to buy something for you. If I were to talk about getting married, it would've ruined the surprise." I open my eyes and stare at him, shocked as he slowly kneels in front of me. Brandon, Evan, and Sandy walk into the kitchen and gasp. "Chris," He pulls a small box out of his pocket. I cover my mouth. There's no way this is happening. I'm dreaming! "Chris, will you marry me?" I whimper a bit, before nodding furiously and throwing my arms around him, crying into his shoulder. "Yes! Yes! A million times, yes! I love you so much, Jacob!" He laughs, falling backwards. He kisses my forehead and hugs me back. "I love you too, baby. I'm never too busy for you." It's then that I remember that Sandy, Evan, and Brandon are still there. I look up at them with a teary smile. "We're engaged! I can't believe this!" They all smile at me, congratulating us. I pull back a bit, so I have enough room to smash our lips together. Evan and Brandon gag. "Ewww!" I pull away and sit up, pulling him with me. He slips a silver ring with a wavy blue line going around it onto my finger. I grin and laugh, giving him a series of quick kisses all over his face. He laughs. "Okay! Okay! So much love! I'm drowning in a sea of your love, Chris! I love you too, okay?" I cease my kisses, but keep my grin. His eyes hold just as much love as I was showering him with. "You look so happy and cute. I will never get over how cute you are." I kiss his nose, causing his face to light up twelve shades of pink. "And I'll never get tired of you doing that, Jakey." He looks extremely shocked. " called me...Jakey..?" I nod, confused. His eyes fill with tears. "Jakey?!" He pulls me into a hug. "I haven't heard call me that in so long. I really missed that. I'm never going long periods of time without you ever again." I hug him back. "You better not. It'll effect me too, y'know." The sound of crying breaks us apart. I stand up, offering my hand to Jacob to help him up. "Come on, Jakey. Sage misses you too." He chuckles and stands up. He leans towards me and kisses my cheek. "I'm sure she does, but how about we get them to watch her for a bit, while we celebrate our engagement." I smile widely. "Good idea." He turns to Brandon. "Do you mind watching Sage for us?" He smiles. "Sure." I tug on Jacob's arms. "Lets go, Jakey! I'm so excited! I want everyone to know about this!" He frowns a bit, causing my smile to falter. "What's wrong? Aren't you excited?" He grabs my hands from my sides, holding them gently. "Of course I'm excited, but can we just have a night to ourselves? I've missed you." My heart swells. "O-oh! Okay! Sorry." I look down, ashamed. I was so excited that I forgot that we haven't spent time alone together. He kisses my forehead. I look up at him, shocked to see a huge smile on his face. "I'm not mad at you, Chris. I promise. I just really want to be alone with you for a night. We can tell everyone tomorrow, okay?" I nod, still feeling quite a bit sad. He shoots a look to Sandy, Evan, and Brandon. They nod and leave the kitchen. Jacob takes my face into his hands and kisses me, deeply and slowly. My legs grow weak as I grip onto his hands. He pulls away, only to kiss me again. It's a series of long then short, slow, passionate kisses. I nearly lose my mind when he adds tongue. It's all too much, so I pull away, attempting to catch my breath. "You believe me now?" I nod, still breathless. He chuckles. "Was it that good?" I nod vigorously, looking up at him shyly. "You were always good at taking my breath away." He stares at me for a minute, before a bright blush spreads across his face. He wraps me up into his arms. "Don't say stuff like that so suddenly, Chris!" I grin and hug him back. He's so cute when he's embarrassed.

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