Life Isn't So Bad With You.

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During class, Jacob is annoyed. His friends were either teasing him or criticizing him for being with me. They said even if he is gay, he can do much better. Jokes on them, he's bi. I do agree with them, though. He could do so much better than me. Jacob wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "Are you alright? You've been really quiet since class ended. You didn't take that stuff they said to heart, did you?" I sigh. "They're right. You can do better than me." He stops and stands in front of me. He presses his nose to mine. "No one is better than you." My face heats up and a small smile forms on my lips. I give him a quick kiss, and we make our way to gym. He helps me into my shirt, but I make him leave so I could put my shorts on. I slip my sneakers on and walk towards my locker. I blush furiously when I see Jacob waiting for me, shirtless. "Hey babe, what took you so long?" I slap his chest. "Put your shirt on!" He smirks. "Why? Am I distracting you?" I scoff and look to the side, pouting a bit. "No! If you want girls all over you, then go ahead. See if I care." He frowns and pulls his shirt on, afterwards pulling me into his arms. "I was just teasing you, hun. I don't care about any of those girls. There could be thousands of girls at my front door, but I'd pass through them to find you." I smile and bury my face into his chest. I love when he's sappy like this. It makes me happy. "Let's go. Beck, Zack, and Jeff are waiting for us." I pull away from him, but he catches my wrist. I look up at him, confused. He gives me a quick kiss and slides his hand down to hold mine. We walk out of the locker room and over to our friends. Beck smiles. "We have a free/field day since its the first day back." I can feel Jacob tense up a bit, so I squeeze his hand in reassurance. We all walk out to the football field and go to the top of the bleachers. Jeff is texting, Zack and Beck are making out, so it's just me and Jacob. He pulls me close. "Do not leave my side, alright? While I was waiting for you, I heard some guy say that he was going to get you as soon as I'm not around. Stay with me, Beck, Zack, or Jeff. If something happens, come tell me. Get someone to come get me. Even if I'm in class, alright?" I nod, touched that he cares so much. I grip his hand and press my lips to his cheek. "I'll be fine. I've got my big, strong Jakey to protect me." He grins with a blush. "That's right! Don't you forget it!" He buries his nose into my neck, making me laugh at his childish behavior. "Jakey! That tickles!" He laughs and pulls away. I lean forward and close my eyes. I hear him chuckle before his lips are on mine. It's slow and passionate, easily making me melt. I grip onto his hand, trying to hold onto reality. His soft, sweet kisses drive me crazy. There are whistles coming from the field and from our friends. I decide to give them a show and bite his lip. He groans and pins me to the bench. Our friends laugh while everyone else cheers. He pulls away and smiles at me. "Cute~." I smile back and peck his lips. "Not as cute as you~." He blushes and we laugh. He helps me up as the bell rings. I didn't realize we'd been kissing for that long. We walk down the bleachers and go to change. He helps me take off my shirt and leaves before I can tell him to. I wonder if he's annoyed that I do that. I mean, we have seen each other naked. I sigh as I pull my clothes on. I walk out and walk over to Jacob, only to see some guy with his hands on my man! He's rubbing Jacob's shoulders and feeling his back. I wouldn't care and I'd think it was a platonic massage, if the guy wasn't staring right at me and smirking. He suddenly leans down and kisses Jacob on his neck. I feel tears sting my eyes. Grabbing my stuff, I run out of the room. "Chris!" I block out the noise and focus on running away. My leg starts to hurt slightly, but I ignore it. I go into the cafeteria and hide in the crowd. I barely make it to Beck and the others, when the doors to the cafeteria slam open and I hear a familar voice shout, "CHRIS??" Everyone pauses. The crowd of people immediately splits to where I am and I hide my face in Beck's shoulder, feeling tears fall down my cheeks. I hear him come closer. Beck sets his hand on my head. "What did you do to him?!" Jacob sounds a bit off. "I didn't do anything, I swear! A guy on my team who was also in our gym class said he could give me a massage since I've been tense all day. I wasn't sure about it, but I said it was okay. He was just massaging me at first, then he leaned down and whispered into my ear, then he kissed my neck. I elbowed him in the face. Next thing I know, Chris is running away!" I feel like he's telling the truth. I want to believe him. So, that's what I do. If he ends up leaving me for another guy, at least I had him for a while. "J-Jacob..? Please, sit with me. I'm sorry." Jacob's eyes widen. "O-of course, Chris! Anything for you." He sits next to me and I transfer my head from Beck's shoulder to Jacob's. "I'm sorry. I overreacted. Please, forgive me." He smiles at me and leans down, pressing his lips to my forehead. "It was my fault. I should've told him no. Why get a massage from him, when just being in your presence relaxes me?" I smile. His cheesy compliments make my day. He's so cute. "I love you, Jakey." "I love you too, Cutie." I look up at him, shocked. He kisses my nose. "What? You're cute and I have a nickname. So, I gave you one, too. Is that alright with you?" I smile, nodding my head. "Yeah, that's fine." I rest my head on his shoulder again. "With all the drama happening, I don't think I could survive without you. I can't lose you, Jacob. Just knowing I'm with you makes everything worth it." Jacob lifts my head and turns me to face him. I notice he has tears brimming his eyes as he leans in and gives me a small kiss. "I love you. All of your sappy, cute, adorable nerditude." I cup his face and wipe his tears away with my thumbs. "I love you as well. You and all your cheesy, romantic, handsome jockiness." We share a quick kiss before getting up to get lunch.

We arrive home after two more hours at school. I'm really tired and my leg is a bit sore. Jacob carries me to my room. He lays me down and snuggles up behind me. "I want you to be in my arms for the rest of my life. You fit so perfectly. I just wanna squeeeeeeeze you." He does as he said and squeezes me against him. I laugh and turn in his arms. "Will you love me forever, even when I get all wrinkled and gross?" Jacob kisses me all over my face. "Impossible. No matter what, you'll always be beautiful and perfect in my eyes." I look up at him through my lashes. "What about the rest of the world?" He lifts my chin and stops right before my lips. "Who?" I grin. With that, we share a kiss.

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