You're Together?

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I wake up and see a grinning Evan on my lap. "Big bro told me you two made up last night! He told me that you guys are dating now! I'm sad about that, but I'm happy at the same time because you're with the one you like! Big bro better treat you right, cause if he doesn't, I'm stealing you away!" I laugh. "That's a lot to wake up to Evan. Thank you for being happy for me, first off. I'm sorry about making you sad, if it makes you feel any better you're still my favorite. Don't tell Jacob!" "I heard that, Chris." Evan laughs and turns to face his red faced brother. "You better take care of Chris! If not, I'm stealing him!" Jacob gets on the bed next to me, making me wonder where Beck went. He gently takes my hand in his, making my face heat up. He's acting like I'll break if he isn't careful, so I give his hand a gentle squeeze. I shift my gaze to him. "Have you told Sandy?" He stiffens and shakes his head. " we have to tell her? I mean, it's not that big a deal. Oh shit, wait! I d-didn't mean--" I loosen my grip on his hand and yank it away, resting my hands together in my lap. "Evan, could you go feed my dogs?" Evan, oblivious little guy, grins and runs out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "Chris..? Uh...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I promise." I smile at him. "It's okay Jacob," I start, and he sighs in relief. "It's not a big deal." He stiffens again as I finish. "Chris--" I cut him off. "I'm kind of hungry, Jacob. Could you bring me something?" He sighs and nods, rising from my bed. I feel a slight twinge in my heart. "Wait." He turns to me. I motion for him to come back. He does so, eagerly yet wearily. I pull him down and press my lips to the crease in his eyebrows. He looks at me shocked. I lower my gaze. "I'm sorry. It's your choice. If you don't want to tell her, you don't have to. I was being selfish and greedy. I want you to be comfortable with this...relationship." I feel him twitch, before wrapping me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Chris. I'll tell her. I don't want you to think for even a second that I regret this." I smile and run my fingers through his hair. "You're so cute." Jacob pulls back, a scowl on his face. "I'm not cute!" I grin. His eyes soften slightly and he leans forward, his lips are hovering over mine. I can't help but stare at them. He whispers against my lips, driving me crazy. "Hmm. Cute." He pulls back, causing an angry blush to mark my face. "That's not fair!" He chuckles and kisses my forhead. Then my cheek. My nose. Lastly, he leans down for a kiss. I'm going to pretend that I'm not really disappointed when the door opens and he pulls back. Beck is standing in the doorway, red with embarrassment and anger. "Get away from him!" My face heats up in anger. "Beck! Get out! Have you ever heard of knocking?!" Beck looks shocked. So does Jacob. I grab a pillow and cover my face in it. The door closes. I feel the bed shift. "Is he gone?" Jacob chuckles. "Yes. He's gone. I didn't know you wanted a kiss that badly." I smack him with the pillow, his laughter fills the room. "Screw you. I need to go to the bathroom." He gets up and walks over to my side. My face heats up as he picks me up. "Oh sweet mother of jesus fuck! Put me down!" He shakes his head and carries me to the bathroom. He pulls down my pants, that bastard, and sits me on the toilet. My face feels like its going to burn off. Luckily, he walks away and closes the door. I'm so embarrassed. After I've finished, I flush and reluctantly call him back into the room. He smiles and helps me up, pulling my pants back up. He helps me wash my hands and carries me back to my room. He sits me down and props my leg back up. I pull him down and press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, even though it was embarrassing." He blushes furiously. I smile and laugh at him. He suddenly leans forward, silencing me with his lips. I grip onto his hair at the back of his neck, pulling him closer, deeper into the kiss. He smiles into the kiss, causing me to smile, too. I hear the door open, Jacob starts to pull away but I pull him back, not caring if anyone sees. I hear Sandy giggle, so I pull back so we could breathe. Sandy frowns playfully. "Aww! Please, don't mind me! I was just coming to tell you that I made cookies. I'll let you guys have some privacy. I also got a wheelchair for you, Chris. I'll leave it outside the door." She leaves, grinning. Jacob buries his face into my shoulder, making me wish he'd do something not-so-innocent. I bury my face in my hands, ashamed I'd ever think such a thing. He pulls back and looks at me, confused. "Are you alright?" I nod and press my lips to his nose. He blushes twelve shades of pink. "Awww. So cute!" He growls at me and tackles me back onto the bed. I felt a sting in my leg, but ignored it. We lay there laughing. He looks down at me and smirks. "I'm not cute." I pout at him and he pecks me on the lips. I smile widely, probably showing off the missing tooth on the right side of my mouth. He chuckles. "That gap in your teeth is incredibly cute. So are your eyes, especially when they get all wide." As if on cue, I widen my eyes, genuinely shocked at his words. I feel tears begin to prick my eyes. "Y-you like my eyes?" He nods, wiping away the tear that escaped. "They're beautiful." I bury my face into his chest. He has to be lying. My eyes are ugly, the color of shit! How could he find my shitty eyes 'beautiful'? He lifts my chin up gently and kisses me softly. I melt instantly. My heart swells. He pulls back and smiles sweetly at me. "Your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. Okay?" I nod, hoping he'd kiss me like that again. Unfortunately, there's a knock on the door. He stands up and opens it. "Yeah, Grandma? What's wrong?" Sandy smiles apologetically. "Your friends are here, Jacob." He groans. "I'll be right there. Tell them to go ahead to my room." Sandy nods and Jacob closes the door, walking back to my side. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm quite ready to tell my friends, but I promise I will." I smile. "It's okay, I'm not mad. Can you at least tell them we're friends?" He smiles and nods. He gives me a quick kiss and leaves the room. A few minutes later, he comes back with two good looking guys (not as good looking as my jock) and a beautiful girl. Yeah I'm gay, but I know a pretty girl when I see one. I shift uncomfortably. She's staring at Jacob. My Jacob. I could never compete with someone like that. She's beautiful. Long blonde hair, voluptuous figure, big beautiful brown eyes. There's no way in hell I could compete with that. "Chris, this is Zack, Jeff, and Diana. Guys, this is Chris. He's a nerd, but we're friends so don't fucking touch him. Zack." Zack, a tall, dark, and handsome football player, rolls his eyes. He's African-American and really popular. Jeff, a tall, light, and cute baseball player, laughs. He's Mexican and also really popular. Lastly, Diana. She's white and extremely popular. Her and Jacob make the perfect 'it couple' even though they broke up almost two years ago. I personally think that Jacob looks better with me, but I'm biased so I'll shut up. "What happened to his leg?" Diana says, clearly not really interested. Jacob flinches slightly. "Uh...he got tackled by a lot of people during tackle football. Thankfully only his leg had an injury. Jeff and Zack nod, having been there, but Diana laughs snobbishly. "Oh! I get it! It's a pity thing! You're being friends with this loser cause you feel bad for him!" My eyes widen and shift over to Jacob. He scowls. "No. That's not why." He looks over to me as he says this. I calm down a bit. Diana then goes on to say, "Oh! I know! You're just doing this so I'll find you caring and more attractive than you already are!" My eyes sting with tears and I have to look away. "U-um...can you guys please leave? I need to get some rest if I want my leg to heal as soon as possible. I wouldn't want to burden anyone for longer than necessary." Jacob snaps his head towards me. "Chris, I--" I shake my head. "I'm fine." He sighs and ushers his friends out. He takes one last look at me. I smile as my tears fall. He steps towards me, stops when I shake my head, sighs, then turns around. "She's lying. You have no reason to believe me, but...I really hope you do. She's lying." He walks away. I feel an extreme pain in my heart. "I'm sorry, Jacob. You have no idea how long I've waited to have you. You have to understand my insecurities, please. Please, don't be mad at me. I deserve it, I really do, but I really really really don't want you to be mad at me."

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