Chapter 5: Chaos Rising Part 2

Start from the beginning

"First of all, I'm not your baby sister," I said as a matter-of-fact. 

"You're younger than me, therefor you're my baby sister," Scott said. I just rolled my eyes.

"Second of all, I asked her to teach me."

"And she just agreed with it?" Scott looked between me and Allison with raised eyebrows.

"I may have threatened her with that I will take all of her hunting stuff and either destroy it or hide it," I said. 

"Drive home and we'll see each other tomorrow in English classroom before school," Scott said and went back in to the party while we got in the car and drove home to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

 "I don't see anything" Derek said. 

'Didn't know you were blind,' I thought.

"Look again," Scott said sort of demanded.

"How is a bruise going to tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek said while looking at Allison only to find her staring back at him with anger.

'Sweetie, don't be mad at him. He just confessed that he was blind and stupid. It's not everyday you get to hear Derek Hale confess something,' I smiled at that thought. 

"It's the same on both sides, exactly the same," Scott said.

"It's nothing," Derek said and turned to look at Scott.

'For the love of God, how stupid can you be?' Images started to pop up in my head on how to kill the most stupid alpha of all times, Derek Hale. I should really make a book of that. I guess I'm not the only one thinking that. Allison seems like she wants to kill Derek right here, right now.

"Pareidolia," Lydia said making everyone in the room staring at her confused. "Seeing patterns that aren't there," Derek and Scott nodded to her before looking at each other.

"It's a subset of apophenia," Lydia added. 

'Tell me again how you know all of that.' That just confused me because she used very big words that I never even heard of and here I am thinking if Lydia just played dumb before or if she learned everything in the summer. 

'No, she definitely played dumb before.'

"They're trying to help," Scott told Derek.

"These two?" Derek asked looking at both Allison and Lydia.

'No, the fucking FBI. What the hell do think? Yes, the two of them,' Derek's seriously getting on my nerves. 

"This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle, thank you," Derek said pointing at Lydia.

'Oh hell no, he did not just say that? He's not going to say...' 

"And this one, who shot about 30 arrows into me and pack" Derek added and pointed to Allison. 

''Yeah, he just did. I am so going to go to Deaton after school to borrow mountain ash and wolfs-bane and shove it up his fucking alpha ass. No one gets to hurt my friends like that and get away with it.' 

"Ok, alright. Now come on. No one died, alright? Look, there may have been a little maiming. Ok, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction," Stiles said. 

"My mother died," Allison coldly said and looked at Derek.

 Please God, tell me he's not going to say what I think he's going to say.' 

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