"Look who is smiling like a creep," a young boy wearing a large white shirt with a red cap snickered as he walked past me. 

My eyes widened as I caught a whiff of his smell as he walked past me. "Cole, have you been-" I started but was cut off by him.

"Yes..yes...I, Cole Summers just smoked weed," my brother, 2 years older than me, answered full of sarcasm. "And this is news to you?" he added.

He threw his black dirty bag on me and hissed next to my ear, "After you enjoy basking under the moonlight, clean the shit in this bag for me.." He walked a couple of steps to the house before he stopped and continued, "And how was your beating today?" as he laughed hysterically and slammed the front door shut.

I dumped his bag to my side and rubbed my abdomen. "It'll take a day or two to heal, don't worry," I comforted myself.


Life wasn't always like this.

We used to be happy.

We used to be a loving family.

Until that one faithful day, my mother decides to kill herself.

My father had always want to be a successful businessman. He would borrow money from his friends to start his business. My mum would try to be of support but also try to remind him to stay in course.

Dreams turn to ashes. And ambitions turn into greed.

My father wouldn't care if it were to succeed or fail. All that matters, is that he had a business. He borrowed loans from banks till he is blacklisted under bankruptcy. Loan sharks too, he went and got money from them.

My mother had to sell everything she owned. Even the house we used to live in. The pressure of living under this kind of situation pushed my mother into a dire situation.

I remember the night before she killed herself. She made my favourite peanut butter toast for me and hugged me in her arms tight. She kept apologising and back then, I had no idea why would she do that.

Until, I came home from school the next day......

.......to see her legs, dangling from our ceiling fan.

That finally pushed my father into remorse. He stopped pursuing his dreams of becoming a businessman and started to do odd jobs. He made lots of new friends and some...were...well....

He finds joy in getting drunk with his new friends. His drinking got more serious and even, smoking too. My brother, Cole Summers, couldn't bear to look at his father becoming that way, he ran away from home.

A few months later, he came back, looking like an exact replica of my dad. Worse, he does drugs.


We could only afford this run-down house, way out of town. The name of our town? Creeks. The name of my school? You guessed it. Creeks High.

Our house is located way at one end of the town. Hence, it is surrounded by the woods. There isn't a single building within a mile from our home. 

Some folks even claim that our house is haunted. We're just lucky that due to that rumour, nobody wants to live in this home so we bought it at a extremely low price. And no, it isn't haunted.

I appreciate the beauty of the surroundings though. When I feel down and depressed I would run into the woods. There is a little clearing where I would lay down and gaze at the trees, admiring the way the sunlight pours into the forest through the tiny hole between the leaves.

However, I have yet to try running further into the forest. "Maybe I will, some day," I mutter to myself.

There is something magical about that forest, I can just feel it.

::posted on 16 Feb 2016::  

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