Who I Am

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[part one]


I don't know how I came to exist in this world, or if I even should exist. Everyone sees right through me, litteraly. Like I am invisible.

The one person who can see me is my step-dad, Curt, and he only sees me when he's beating me. But that's when he's drunk. At least he knows I'm there.

But I've about had it--no I have had it. I'm running. Away. I'll keep running until I feel like I'm in a place no one knows me so I can start over and maybe be noticed by someone.

That's what I did. Three days ago. I ran to a new town I had never been to before. I wanted to disguise myself, so I cut my hair and dyed it lighter; or rather I bleached it. My hair was now a light tan and shoulder length.

I enrolled in the school there. It's a strange school though. The names are different--strange I mean--and interesting in their own way. One person has noticed me and been kind enough to show me around the campus. Roderich was his name.

His accent was strange to me, definately foreign. His dark hair had a glossy look to it, like it was very well taken care of. And like me, he has glasses. He seemed like he wanted to purposely avoid one of the other boys, but I don't know why.

Lastly he took me to the main office. He said he had to get to class, so he left me to introduce myself to the headmaster on my own. At the front desk, though, was only another student. He too had dark hair.

"Are you new here?" he asked me. He had a sort of Japanese accent.

"Uh, yeah," I said. Well rather whispered. I knew I must have looked dumbstruck.

The other student moved behind the desk and began filing through papers. Was he in charge of things like this? He had just picked up a pen when he introduced himself as Honda Kiku. He then asked my name.

"I'm Matthew," I said. "Matthew W--"

His look caused me to stop. He looked startled, like I had said something wrong. After a moment, he relaxed and set the papers and pen aside. "You're not new then," he said as he picked up something and handed it to me. A dorm key. MY dorm key.

"I, uh..." I didn't know what to do, so I just took the key. What is going on?

Roderich had acted like he'd known me for a bit of time, and now Kiku was acting about the same. What in the world was going on?!

"W-werr," Kiku said. "Your roommate wirr be grad to see you, I'm sure."

What? I. Am. Lost. Lost for words and what was going on. Can anyone explain what's happening? No? Oh, okay...

I took the room key, being cautious. I smiled awkwardly and left the main office to head to the dorms. I figured I'd meet the so-called "roommate" I had just been told about. "Dorm 203" was what the key said.

Second floor of the dorm building, second door on the left. I put the key in the door and opened it to find three others in the room. I thought I only had ONE roommate!

I'm pretty sure I looked like an idiot just standing in the doorway, but I didn't want to get involved in a conversation that I would have absolutely no idea what was being talked about.

One of the boys looked up at me. "M-Matthew?!" he stuttered as he sat upright on one of the beds. He had hair that was a little darker than mine and glasses as well. Then I noticed the odd cowlick on his head. He seemed to know me like anyone else I came into contact with.

"Is... that really you?" a British student (obvious by the accent) asked me. I didn't know what to say. Does everyone here know me?!

"Uh..." I guess I should play along. "Yes, it is me," I said, kind of quiet. Like my usual self.

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