He held up Daniel's phone.

"Told Dean that I'm back, of course."

Daniel began squirming again, trying to pull his arms free from the rope. I watched as blood trickled down his arm from his wrist where the rope had somehow managed to open the flesh.

With a sharp tug, he managed to snap the rope. He froze in surprise, looking at James, who was laughing.

"You really do put up more of a fight than your brother did, hm Danny?"

Daniel untied the gag from around his mouth, throwing it at James.

"Go fuck yourself!" He growled.

James laughed again.

"You ought to watch your mouth. Maybe I'll have to show you what happens to the people who talk to me like that..."

Daniel's eyes widened and he quickly began to untie the rope around his ankles.

"Stop him." James hissed at me.

I quickly shoved Daniel back down onto the bed, pinning him down by his neck as James walked over to us. He stared down at Daniel for a second before tying his wrists together again, but this time, he didn't connect the rope to the bed frame.

"Leave us. I'm gonna show Danny here what happens to people like him." He smirked at me.

I nodded, removing my arm from Daniel's neck. He drew in a sharp breath before staring at me, silently asking for help.

I turned away from him, walking towards the door.

"Oli! Please don't leave!" He pleaded.

I refused to turn around.

Instead, I picked up the gag from the floor and threw it in James' direction before walking out the door, closing it behind me.

I quickly ran down the stairs, into the living room, grabbing a pillow and placing it over my head, trying to distract myself from Daniel's screams from upstairs.


"Go sort Daniel out will you? I have some stuff I need to do." James sighed, walking into the living room.

I nodded, quickly jumping up and sprinting up the stairs, into the bedroom.

Inside, Daniel was curled up in a ball on the floor, his wrists and ankles now free from the restraints. His shirt almost completely soaked in blood.

"Dan?" I said softly.

He flinched at my voice.

"P-P-Please... Don't hurt me Oli." He sobbed.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? I'm gonna help you."

Daniel looked at me, his face soaked by tears.


"Because I care about you. Come on." I reached my hand out to him. He cowered, shuffling away from me.

"Oli, please don't... I trusted you before, I don't know if I can again."

I sighed, quickly lunging forward and grabbing his arm, pulling him into a standing position. He let out a scream of pain.

"Shut up! I'm trying to help you!" I hissed at him, shoving him onto the bed. He struggled against my force, desperately trying to get away.

I climbed on top of him, pinning him down by his shoulders. He screamed loudly, trying to push me off him.

"Daniel calm down! Please just let me help!"

He continued screaming, his voice growing louder and louder.

I wrapped my hands around his throat, squeezing hard, causing his voice to give out as I choked him. The room was silent, apart from the occasional gasps for air coming from Daniel. I suddenly released my grip, he took a deep breath.

"Stay quiet!" I hissed.

He nodded, tears streaming down his face. I pulled off his shirt to examine his injuries.

I gasped.

Multiple deep cuts littered his stomach. His torso was almost completely red from the blood, and even more blood was pouring out of the cuts, staining the bed sheets.

"W-What did he use?!"

Daniel weakly lifted his arm, pointing towards the table beside the bed... A scalpel was resting on top of it...

My eyes widened.


I jumped up, running over to the cupboard in the corner and grabbing the bandages that were in there.

I ran back over to him, unraveling the bandages and pulling him into a sitting position. I could see the colour rapidly draining from his face.

I clumsily started wrapping the bandages around the cuts, the blood soaking through them instantly.

"James!" I screamed once I'd finished dressing the wounds in multiple layers of the thick bandages, them somehow managing to stay white despite the amount of bleeding. James appeared at the door almost instantly.


I lunged forward, grabbing him and pinning him against the wall by his neck.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! You could've fucking killed him!!"

James smirked.

"But I didn't. Besides, it wouldn't exactly be the worst thing in the world if he did die." He hissed, glaring over at him.

"We fucking need him for the plan. You can do whatever the fuck you want with him afterwards."

James pushed me off him, storming over to Daniel and punching him in the stomach, making him cry out in pain.

The blood began soaking through the bandages again.

"James stop it!" I shouted.

He punched him again.

I ran over to him and tried to pull him away. He punched me in the face.

All I could hear were Daniel's screams as the world turned black.

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