"Anyway, where have you been? It like you dropped off the face of the earth," I asked.

"I've been busy lately," Is all Dimitri told me.

"With wait?" I asked.

"Well there's training, patrols and..." He trailed off looking for more excuses.

"Wow! Sounds like a busy schedule you've got there," Beware of my sarcasm. "Tell me the really reason, Dimitri and I mean it."

"Fine..." He sighed and tried to find his words. "Nela, the reason I've not been around was, because at first I thought you would be my second chance mate."

"Whoa, what?!" I was shocked. "You thought I was your second chance mate?! Why?"

"Because since you and the Alpha weren't doing so good and how you and I were getting along so well, I thought we were," He explained, but I was still recovering from my previous shock. "But then, after you guys made up and you became fully Luna, that chance came crashing down. So I stayed away, not wanting anything to be awkward between us, like now."

Me and Dimitri, together! I would have never thought he would have feelings for me. I always thought of Dimitri like a big brother and not in any other way, this is mind blowing.

"Dimitri, I get where your coming from, I really do, but I'm happy with Derek now, and I want to see where it goes from here." I spoke to him in a gentle way. "Plus, I sure you will find someone new and I'm sure they will be lucky to have you."

"You think so?" I nodded my head in a agreement. "Thanks, can we act like this never happened and remain friends?"

"Definitely," I stated.

After that earth shattering news I took in, Dimitri and I just spent the whole afternoon, talking about stuff and it soon became 6:45 p.m. So I decide to book it and told Dimitri I'd catch him later. I dashed to the shower and got dressed. I wore a T-shirt that said "kick ass" on it some black ripped jeans, a leather jacket and so black high tops.  I walked down stairs and waited for Derek to make his appearance.

I laid on the couch waiting, it was 8:16 p.m. and still no Derek, maybe his not coming. I started to walk up the stairs and to go my room and change, until I heard the door opened. I came back down to find Derek in a white t-shirt, some jean and a pair of black combat boots.

"Derek!" I ran toward him and gave him a hug, which he gladly returned. "You look nice, but where were you?! I've been waiting almost an hour!"

"I'm so sorry babe, but I had a last minute meeting with another alpha," He explained. "After it was done, I rushed over here to make it on our date."

"Well... It not too late for our date and you did tried your best to get here on time so, okay let's go," I said as I pulled my mate out the door. Hmm, "my mate" I like the sound of that.

We made it to Derek's car and we drove off into the night.

"Hey, where are we going anyway?" I questioned him.

"A movie first and then somewhere special later," Derek told me, while still looking for.

"Somewhere like where?" I further questioned.

"Now if I told you, then the surprise would be ruined,"

"Fine," I stated giving up trying to get my answer.

We arrived at the theater and parked up in and nearby, opened space. We walked in and saw so many choices of movie to pick from. Derek wanted to watch action film but I wanted to see a horror movie. We played rock, paper, scissor and of course I had to lose, so Derek won.  He decided we were going to watch "007 Spectre" (A/N If you have't seen that movie you should see it, it's amazing) and I just went along with his choice. He offer to go get the popcorn and drinks but I said go get them instead. Before Derek could object, I grabbed his wallet and went to the counter.

I ordered a median sized popcorn with two cokes and the lady at the register took my order and told me to wait a few seconds. I waited by the counter, when someone tapped me on my shoulder. It was a guy with short brown hair and slightly taller than me and had a smirk on his face.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you could start by give me your number," The guy asked flicking his eyebrows.

"Sorry, but I have a boyfriend and I'm on a date with him right now," I gladly, told him.

"Ahh, come on, If you want a really good time in right here and in bed maybe, then why not with me?" He stated.

"What part of no don't you get," I turned around and ignored him, but he spun me around and grabbed my wrists. "What's your problem."

"That's the thing honey, no one ever says no to me."

"Excuse me, may I ask what you are doing," Came in Derek's voice.

"What does it look like? I'm spending some quality time with my girl," The jerk turned around and his face paled when he saw a totally pissed off Derek.

"No, it looks like you are harassing my girl," Derek said gritted teeth. "Now, I suggest you get your hands off her or else you wouldn't have any arms at all."

With that said, the dude let me go and bolted, Derek came to my side at once and buried his head in the crock of my neck and breathed in.

"Mine," He mutter as his smelled my up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am. I could have handle him myself, but thanks." I said and Derek smirked.

That movies was insane, I mean who destroy a whole street in Mexico and flies a helicopter so crazily? After the movie, Derek and I were heading to our mystery destination. The car stop and a grassy hill.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Come and see." Is all he said.

We walked up the hill, together, holding hands. When we reached the top, I was amazed. I beautiful lake like the one back at my old pack, but better. It was breath-taking. Derek pulled over to a picnic blanket where a basket of food was place.

"When did you set this up?" I raised a eyebrow after Derek.

"This was another reason why I was late," He explained and I made an "O" face.

After eating, I was on Derek's lap watching the stars with him. Derek looked down on me and motioned me to get off. I got up and he dug into his pocket, taking out a ring box. I gasped, was he going to propose to me? This was so sudden,  well I am his mate but at a time like this? 

"Nela, I can feel your nervousness, and hear your thoughts, you know." I blushed forgetting I had my wall down. "And no it not the a wedding ring, it's a promise ring."

"A promise ring?" I repeated the last part, while slipped it on my finger.

"Yeah it's a ring that carries a promise from the person, who gives to the person most dear to them," Derek told me. "I promise to keep you safe from danger in any shape or size and cherish you always, Nela Summers."

When he finished I was in tears and hugged him and accepted his ring, I am so lucky to have him.


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